New Articles

  1. Meeting 7: Prepare for Deployment

    Prep ❒  Completed Validation As you validated the application did you answer yes to all the questions below? Is it easy and intuitive to log information?    Have we provided guidance to help facilitate users in entering inform...
  2. Meeting 6: Validation Check-In

    Prep ❒ Review Validation Tickets During the meeting we will talk through outstanding tickets in the Tracker. Please ensure you have reviewed all open and outstanding tickets in the tracker. Please close any tickets that have been addressed. ...
  3. Meeting 5: Training

    Prep ❒  Invite Testers to Training Please ensure that you have forwarded the Training invite on to the Testing team. This training will be a walk through of the application and your process from start to finish.   ❒  Perso...
  4. Meeting 4: Walkthrough

    Prep ❒  Send Initial/Partial Data Import We find the Walkthrough Meetings most productive when we have some of your data in the application. It gives us an opportunity to have a focused discussion, share best practices and ensure we’...
  5. Meeting 3: Data Import

    Prep ❒  Collect your Data As you prepare for the meeting, it will be important to have your data all in one place. We suggest taking some time now to make sure you have the latest information ready to go. This will also come in handy as we...
  6. Meeting 2: Application Overview

    Prep ❒  Review Glossary of Key Terms There are some key terms that we will speak to in the application overview meeting. Our glossary of terms will make sure we’re all on the same page. If you have any questions, please don’t h...
  7. Meeting 1: Kick-Off

    Prep ❒  Internal Alignment Software is more than a few buttons to click, it represents a change, and change comes with opportunities and challenges. We recommend ensuring that the right mix of people are part of your project implementati...
  8. Meeting 8: Hypercare Introduction

    Prep ❒  Login to Production Please login to production and ensure you have access to the application and you can see the admin cog at the top right granting you administration access.    ❒  Confirm End User Accounts Cli...
  9. Meeting 1: Kick-Off

    Prep ❒  Internal Alignment Software is more than a few buttons to click, it represents a change , and change comes with opportunities and challenges. We recommend ensuring that the right mix of people is part of your project implementatio...
  10. Month 1: End User Check In

    Don’t wait for your users to come to you—request feedback proactively.  We recommend scheduling a check-in with your users at the four-week mark. This is the point in your journey where users’ needs will start to evolve. Afte...