PDF Output Options (Report Logo & Header)


The PDF Output Options on a report allows you to configure a header and/or logo that will appear on reports exported into PDF files. Logos will appear at the top-left of the PDF file, and headers appear above any free form text and report elements.

An Example of a Report Exported Into a PDF With a Header and Logo

The Footer option is not currently functional and will be available in a future release. 

Please refer to the Exporting a Report article for more information on how to export a report as a PDF. 


  1. From the Home screen, click the Home dropdown.

    Home Dropdown

  1. From the Home dropdown, select the Reports application.

    Reports Application

  1. From the list of reports, click the report that you want to export as a PDF.

    Report Name

Configuring the Report Header and Logo on a PDF Export

  1. From the report you want to export as a PDF, click the Edit Report Template icon.
  2. Edit Report Template Icon

  3. Under the Report Canvas section, click the Export Output Options button.
  4. Export Output Options Button 

  5. To include a header, enter text in the Title field.
  6. Title Field 

  7. To include a logo, upload an image using the Image Upload tool, then paste the link in the Logo field. Logo images uploaded through the Image Upload tool are automatically resized to fit within the header.

    Logo Field

  8. Click the Show header on first page toggle switch to turn it on to show the header on the first page of the report.
  9. Show Header on First Page Toggle Switch

  10. Click the Show report title and anchor on first page toggle switch to turn it on to show the report title and the anchor object type on the first page of the report.
  11. Show Report Title and Anchor on First Page Toggle Switch

  12. Click the Done button.
  13. Done Button