Submitting an Issue for Review Using the Portal


After creating an issue for an Internal Audit Project's Control, a member of the Interna Audit Team must review the issue and add further information before the issue can be submitted for review.

User Account Requirements

The user account used to log into Resolver must be added to the Internal Audit Team user group.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Creating a New Issue article for more information on how to add a new issue to an Internal Audit Project's Control.

Please refer to the Creating a New Corrective Action article for more information on creating a new corrective action for an issue.

Please refer to the Using an Existing Corrective Action on an Issue article for more information on using an existing corrective action for an issue.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Home dropdown and select the Portal link.

Home Dropdown

  1. From the Audits screen, click on the Issues tab.

Issues Tab

  1. From the Issues screen, click on an open issue from the My Issues section.

Open Issue

Submitting an Issue for Review

  1. From the Issues screen, review the following fields:
    • Issue Name: The issue's name.
    • Issue Status: The issue's current workflow status.
    • Description: Enter a brief description outlining the issue.

Review the following Fields

  1. Select the date the issue was identified from the Calendar pop-up under the Data Identified field by clicking on a Date.

Calendar Pop-up

  1. Select the user group who initially identified the issue from the Identified By dropdown menu.

Identified By Dropdown Menu

  1. Select an issue type from the Issue Type dropdown menu to help identify the issue within the system.
    • Documentation Issue
    • Control Design
    • Issue Control
    • Operation Issue
    • Human Error

Issue Type Dropdown Menu

  1. Enter a brief recommendation used to address the issue in the Recommendation field. The Recommendation field is a free form field.

Recommendation Field

  1. Select an issue priority indicating the severity of the issue (e.g., Low, Medium, High, or Urgent) from the Priority dropdown menu.

Priority Dropdown Menu

  1. Select the date the issue must be resolved from the Calendar pop-up under the Due Date field by clicking on a Date.
  2. Management will enter a response to the issue and resolution in the Management Response field. User may see information in this field if an issue was sent for review and sent back to the owner requesting further information.

Management Response Field

  1. Select the date the issue was resolved from the Calendar pop-up under the Issue Resolution Date field by clicking on a Date. The Issue Resolution Date field should be filled out just before the issue is completed.
  2. Users can attach an image to the issue by dragging and dropping an image in the Issue Field Photo field or clicking the Drag an image here or click to select link and selecting an image from the connected PC. The maximum size for Files is 100 MB.

Issue Field Photo Field

  1. (Optional) Hover the cursor over an image and click the Click to Edit Image button to edit, rotate, or delete the image.

Click to Edit Image Button

  1. Users can attach documents to the issue by dragging and dropping a file in the Issue Additional Attachment field, clicking the Drag an image here or click to select link and selecting an image from the connected PC, or by clicking the + Add File link. The maximum size for Files is 100 MB.

Issue Additional Attachment Field

  1. The Time to Fix field will display a status which indicates the time it took (Date Complete - Date Identified) to resolve the issue. This field will be filled out once the issue is completed:
    • Low: Indicates that it should not take long (below average) to resolve the issue.
    • Medium: Indicates that it should take an average amount of time to resolve the issue.
    • High: Indicates that it will take a while (above average) to resolve the issue.

Time to Fix Field

Issue Field Photo

Issues Additional Attachments

Time to Fix


  • Count - Past 30 Days
  • Count - Past QTR
  • Count - Past Year
  • Count
  • Number of Corrective Actions
  • Corrective Actions
  • Reviewed On
  • Issue Classification
  • # Material Weakness
  • # Significant Deficiencies
  • # Open Actions
  • Days Past Resolution
  • Overdue Status
  • Count
  • Issue Status
  • Supporting Attachments: Users can attach evidence to the issue by dragging and dropping an image in the Supporting Attachments field or clicking the + Add File link and selecting an image from the connected PC. The maximum size for Files is 100 MB. the following file types are not valid (.bat, .exe, .gif, .sh, .dll, or .com).
  • Completed
  • Number of Risks
  • Outstanding Actions
  • Issue Identification Month
  • Overdue Reminder Date
  • Security Issue Type
  • Close Date/Time
  • Archived Date
  • Created
  • Number of Related Citations
  1. From the Issues pop-up, select an issue priority indicating the severity of the issue (e.g., Low, Medium, High, or Urgent) from the Priority dropdown menu.

Priority Dropdown Menu

  1. Enter the name of a user or user group in the Issues Owner field and select the owner(s) from the dropdown menu. The Issue Owner is responsible for adding corrective actions to issues, assigning a corrective action owner, and submitting the issues to the Risk Team for review.

Issues Owner Dropdown Menu

  1. Select an issue type to categorize the issue from the Issue Type dropdown menu.

Issue Type Dropdown Menu

  1. Select an issue due date from the Calendar pop-up by clicking on a Date.

Calendar Pop-up

  1. Select the date the issue was resolved from the Calendar pop-up by clicking on a Date.
  2. From the Manage Issue section, select the date the issue was identified from the Calendar pop-up under the Date Identified field by clicking on a Date.

Calendar Pop-up

  1. Users can enter recommendations, further details, and additional instructions in the Recommendation field text box.

Recommendation Field

  1. Management can enter a response in the Management Response text box, including further detail and instructions.

Management Response Field

  1. Users can attach evidence to the issue by dragging and dropping an image in the Supporting Attachments field or clicking the + Add File link and selecting an image from the connected PC. The maximum size for Files is 100 MB. the following file types are not valid (.bat, .exe, .gif, .sh, .dll, or .com).

+ Add File Link

  1. Users can attach evidence to the issue by clicking on the Add Link link to attach a web link to the issue or click the Click to add a web link to a file link.

Add Link

  1. (Optional) Click the More icon on the uploaded file card to upload new version, rename, delete, or check version history.

More Icon

  1. From the Add Web Link pop-up, enter a Display Name and URL Link.

Add Web Link Pop-up

  1. Click the + Add Link link to add the web link to the issue.

+ Add Link

  1. Select the team that identified the issue from the Identified By dropdown menu. 

Identified By Dropdown Menu

  1. From the Corrective Actions tab, add an issue correct by clicking one of the following links:
    • Add Existing Corrective Actions: Click the Add Existing Corrective Actions link to add an existing corrective action to the issue.
    • + Create New: Click the + Create New link to add a new corrective action to the issue.

Corrective Action Links

  1. Click the Submit for Review button to submit the issue for review.

Submit for Review Button