Add a User to a User Group


User Groups control the data users and system applications a user can access. Assigning a User to a User Group allows the user access to the data connected to the User Group.

If your organization is using Lightweight Direct Access Protocol (LDAP), you must use LDAP to add and remove users from user groups. Any users added or removed from a user group within Resolver will be reverted to a state before the change during the next LDAP sync.

Required Information/Setup

You will need to create a new user before you can add a user to a user group. Please follow the link below for instructions on how to create a new user or create a new Dispatch user:

You will also need to log into Resolver to add a user to a user group. Please follow the link below for instructions on how to log into Resolver:

Adding a User to a User Group

Your user account must have Administrator privileges to add a User to a User Group. If you do not see the System icon on the top right-hand side of the screen, the User you are using does not have Administrator privileges enabled. Please contact your system administrator to enquire about adding Administrator privileges to your User's profile.

  1. Navigate to a browser and use your company's Resolver URL to log into Resolver.
  2. From the Resolver Home screen, click the System icon.

System Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, scroll down to the People section and select the User Groups tile.

User Groups Tile

  1. From the User Groups screen, enter a User Group Name or keyword in the Search field or scroll down until you locate the correct User Group.

User Groups Screen

You can tell how many users are assigned to a User Group on the User Group screen by referring to the Users Count icon on the right side of a User Group column. 

Users Count Icon

  1. Click on a User Group to open the Edit User Group screen.

Edit User Group Screen

  1. Enter a User's name in the Users field and click the user's name from the drop-down list. Continue adding more users as required.

Users Field

  1. Click the Add Selected button to add the selected user to the User Group.

Add Selected Button

  1. Repeat steps 5 through 6 to add multiple users to the User Group.

Users who are logged in at the time they are added to or removed from a User Group will need to log out and then log back in before the changes are applied.

Users can be assigned to more than one User Group at a time.

  1. To remove a User from the User Group, click the beside the user's name.
  2. A Confirmation screen will pop up. Click the Yes button to remove the User from the User Group.

Confirmation Screen