Installing the OnGuard™ Connector


As part of the connector configuration process, you will need to log into Connect and register the connector to obtain a connector ID. As such, ensure you have login credentials for a Dispatch user account that’s authorized to access Connect prior to completing the steps below. See the Dispatch Administrator’s Guide for more information on creating user accounts.

For hosted customers, the server hosting the connector must have a firewall rule enabled to allow outbound communication to Resolver's hosted environment.

Resolver recommends installing the connector on the OnGuard source server where possible. If outbound connections from that server are not possible, the connector will require a standalone server.

Before installing the connector, ensure that your computer meets the System Requirements.

User Account Requirements

The user used to log into the system must have permission to access Connect.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Connect User’s Guide for information on generating, registering, or editing devices or creating rules.


This article assumes that the user has set up the OnGuard system with a main license and a subscription license.

Installing the Onguard Connector

  1. Double-click the Connect Setup folder in the connect download package.

  2. Double-click the OnGuard_8.2.Installer file to open the InstallShield Wizard.

  3. Follow the steps in the wizard until the installation is complete.

  4. Log into Connect through Core to access the Connectors screen.

Connectors screen

  1. From the Connectors screen, click the + Register Connector button.

+ Register Connector Button

  1. From the Register Connector screen, enter a name for the connector in the Connector Alias field.

Connector Alias Field

  1. Click the Save button.

Save Button

  1. Highlight the code in the Connector ID column beside the new connector, hover your cursor over the ID and click the right mouse button, then select Copy to copy the code to your clipboard.


  1. Navigate to the location where the connector was installed. By default, it can be found at C:\Program Files\Resolver\Resolver OnGuard_8.2 Connector Service.
  2. Right-click the appsettings.json file, then select Open with to open the file with Notepad.
  3. Paste the Connector ID obtained from step 9 between the quotation marks after “ConnectorID”:

Connector ID

Ensure your changes match the settings configured in the Connect appsettings.json file and are entered within the quotation marks after the semi-colon for each setting.

  1. Make the following edits to the setting in the file:
  • ServiceURL: The services connect URL can be obtained from the DevOps team.
  • ServiceURIand EventBridgeService URI: Both are updated based on the localhost name.
  • Username and Password: These credentials are from the user's OnGuardSystem account.

The password will be encrypted after running the service for the first time.

  • Logging (optional): The Writeto section must be filled out and uncommented out. The log file path also has to exist. The MinimalLevel can be one of the following options:
    • Debug: The highest log value. This value is often used by developers and for troubleshooting.
    • Information: Useful to support staff by providing context to errors.
    • Error: Displays critical error logs.
  1. Click File > Save to save your changes, then close the file.
  2. Navigate to the Windows service and start the Resolver OnGuard 8.2 Connector Service. Ensure that the following OnGuard services are running LS Event Context Provider, LS OpenAccess, LS Web Event Bridge, and LS Login Driver.

  3. Return to Connect and log back in if necessary.

  4. Refresh the browser. The circle in the Status column beside the new Onguard connector should be green to indicate the connector is currently running and should now display a Get Latest button. If the circle is yellow, it means the connector is running, but there are errors in the settings. If the circle is red, it means the connector is not running.

  5. Click Get Latest to generate a list of devices and event types from the Lenel system in Connect.