GRC (All Apps)
- The Help icon enable toggle switch on the Admin: Edit Roles screen is defaulted to off for all Limited User roles. This will help prevent unauthorized Limited User from contacting Resolver Support.
- Action verbs were removed from buttons within all GRC applications (e.g., create, launch, etc.).
- The Decreasing Range section on the Indicator – RM – 2 – Overview form will appear when the indicator is in a Draft state.
- We have added two new tabs to the Risk Management application:
- Strategy: The Strategy tab allows users to document their organizations long-term visions and priorities.
- Objective: The Objective tab allows users to set business unit goals.
- The following tab guidance descriptions were added to the Risk – RM – 5 – Assess Risk form:
- Inherent Risk tab
- Residual Risk tab
- Risk Appetite tab
- Controls tab
- Issues tab
- KRI tab
- Loss Event tab
- Tab guidance descriptions have been added to the following forms to help guide users:
- Risk – RM – 1a – Create
- Risk – RM – 1 – Create
- Risk – RM – 2 – Risk Triage
- Risk – RM – 3 – Library
- Risk – RM – 4 – Assign Risk Owners
- Risk – RM – 5 – Assess Risk
- We created a new Strategy object type.
- We applied the following changes to the Objective – RM – Assessment, Objective – RM – Library, and Objective – RM – Risk Identification forms:
- Remove the Objective Owner and Objective level fields.
- Moved Status field under the Description field.
- We applied the following changes to the Objective – RM – Library form:
- Added the Strategy tab
- Added guidance description
- We applied the following changes to the Objective – RM – Assessment and Objective – RM – Risk Identification forms:
- Split the form into 3 cards to standardize the layout
- Added the Strategy tab
- Added guidance description
- The Strategy reference within the Objective workflow was made a mandatory field in the Draft and Active workflow states.
- The following fields were linked to the Strategy object type:
- Current Value
- Start Date
- Status
- Target Completion Date
- Target Value
- We created a new relationship link from Strategy to:
- Objective
- Indicator
- Company (reference)
- A new form was created called Strategy – RM – Library.
- The following fields and formulas were added to the Risk object type:
- Fields:
- Target Likelihood
- Target Impact
- Formulas:
- Target Risk Score
- Risk Appetite
- Fields:
- The Risk Response Plan existing select list options were expanded to include descriptions:
- Tolerate – I will accept the level of residual risk, no further action
- Treat – I will reduce the level of residual risk by taking action
- Transfer – I will reduce the level of residual risk by taking action via a third party
- Terminate – I will reduce the level of residual risk by taking action that modifies the associated objective
- Not Applicable – I will take no action as the controls in place are adequately managing the risk
- The following changes were applied to the Risk – RM – 5 – Assess Risk form
- Added a new tab
- Relabelled and moved form elements to corresponding tabs:
- Inherent Risk
- Controls (renamed)
- Residual Risk
- Risk Appetite (new)
- Risk Response (renamed)
- Historical Trending – added target risk and risk appetite
- Add the following to the new Risk Appetite tab
- Fields:
- Target Likelihood
- Target Impact
- Formulas:
- Target Risk Score
- Risk Appetite
- Fields:
- Added the Target Risk Score and Risk Appetite formulas to the Risk table on the following reports:
- RM – Risk Committee Report (Objective)
- RM – Risk Committee Report (Process)
- RM – Risk Committee Report
- RM – Business Unit Risk Committee Report (Objective)
- RM – Business Unit Risk Committee Report (Process)
- RM – Business Unit Risk Committee Report
- We have renamed three Heatmap reports:
- From RM – Objective Risk Assessment Heat Map to RM – Objective Risk Register Prioritization Heat Map
- From RM – Process Risk Assessment Heat Map to RM – Process Risk Register Prioritization Heat Map
- From RM – Risk Assessment Heat Map to RM – Category Risk Register Prioritization Heat Map
- We renamed all three types of Risk Assessments to Objective Risk Register, Process Risk Register, and Category Risk Register.
- We renamed Risk Register object type to Risk Universe.
- We changed reference names on the relationship from Objective, Process, and Risk Category to Risk Universe.
- We created two new data grid reports called RM – Library Risk Matrix and RM – Library Control Matrix. These reports have not been assigned to the application.
- The following changes have been applied to the Risk – RM – 5 – Assess Risk form:
- Hid the Contributing Factors and Incident Type tabs
- Renamed the Issue & Actions tab to Issues
- Renamed the Key Risk Indicators tab to KRI
- Format is now a one column layout
- Added a new tab called Risk Appetite
- Reordered the Likelihood and Impact fields on the Inherent and Residual Risk tabs
- The Control – GRC – 2 – Control Self-Assessment form is now a one column layout.
- The following forms were renamed:
- From Objective Risk Assessment – 2a – Manage Assessment to Objective Risk Register – 2a – Manage
- From Process Risk Assessment – 2a – Manage Assessment to Process Risk Register – 2a – Manage
- From Risk Assessment – 2a – Manage Assessment to Category Risk Register – 2a – Manage
- The x and y axes on the following Risk Management Heat Maps were flipped. The x-axis is now Likelihood and the y-axis is Impact:
- RM – Objective Risk Assessment Heat Map
- RM – Process Risk Assessment Heat Map
- RM – Risk Assessment Heat Map
- RM – Business Unit Risk Heat Map (Objective and Process)
- RM – Company Risk Heat Map (Object and Process)
- Risk Management: Risk Profile
- The following fields have been made mandatory on the Risk Workflow – Risk Assessment and Escalated states:
- Inherent Likelihood
- Inherent Impact
- Control Effectiveness
- Residual Likelihood
- Residual Impact
- Target Likelihood
- Target Impact
- Risk Response Plan
- The following changes were applied to the Control – GRC – 2 – Control Self-Assessment form:
- Updated the Control Effectiveness tabs on the third and forth cards
- Increased the title width to 100%
- Centered aligned the select list and adjusted the width to 50%
- The following changes were applied to the Risk – RM – 1a – Create and Risk – RM – 2 – Risk Triage forms:
- Updated the Risk Category text
- Objective (reference) is a mandatory field on the Create & Triage workflow state
- Bypass required fields was enabled on Submit Risk and both IT Risk triggers
- We Added the Risk Owner and Risk Delegates tabs to the top of the Risk – RM – 4 – Assign Risk Owners form.
- The following changes were applied to the Objective – Risk Assessment – 1 – Overview, Process Risk Assessment – 1 – Overview, Risk Assessment – 1 – Overview forms:
- Added data visualization: Risk Prioritization Heat Map
- The following changes were applied to the Risk – RM – 5 – Assess Risk form:
- Updated the Risk Details text
- Text was added above the button section on the form
- The following changes were applied to the Risk Management Portal:
- On the Risk Management activity, Risk Assessment was changed to Risk Register
- On the Risk activity, My Risk View, the Assign Risk Owner state was removed
- On the Risk activity, My Risk in Triage was renamed to My Submitted Risks
- We have added new activities (tabs) and renamed others within the Risk Management application:
- Strategy tab (new)
- The Identify Risk tab changed to Identify (renamed)
- The Launch Risk Assessment tab changed to Risk Registers (renamed)
- The Asset & Treat tab changed to Analyze (renamed)
- Manage tab (new)
- The Review & Monitor tab changed to Monitor (renamed)
- The Manage Assessment tab changed to All Risk Registers (renamed)
- We removed the Risk Team and Risk Team (standard ERM) roles from the following legacy activities:
- Controls
- Issues & Actions
- Corrective Actions
- Indicators
- Loss Events
- The following changes were made to the Strategy activity (tab):
- Description:
- Added guidance description
- Actions:
- Strategy
- Objective
- Views:
- Strategies
- Objectives
- Roles:
- Risk Team
- Description:
- The following changes were made to the Identify activity (tab):
- Description:
- Added guidance description
- Actions:
- Risk – remove Create
- Views:
- Risk & Control Universe:
- Renamed from Risk & Controls Matrix
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Added guidance description
- Risks to Review
- Renamed from Risks in Triage
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Added guidance description
- Delete
- Risk Categories
- Processes
- Objectives
- Risk & Control Universe:
- Roles:
- Risk Team
- Risk Team (Standard ERM)
- Description:
- The following changes were made to the Risk Registers activity (tab):
- Description:
- Added guidance description
- Actions (renamed and reordered):
- Objective Risk Register
- Process Risk Register
- Category Risk Register
- Views:
- Objective Risk Assessment Planning:
- Renamed to Add Risk to Register
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Objective Risk Assessment Planning
- Renamed to Add Risk to Register
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Risk Assessment Planning
- Renamed to Add Risk to Register
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Risks Requiring Assessment
- Renamed to Assign Risk Owners
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Added a new view called Assign Control Owners
- Objective Risk Assessment Planning:
- Roles:
- Risk Team
- Risk Team (Standard ERM)
- Description:
- The following changes were made to the Analyze activity (tab):
- Description:
- Added New guidance description
- Views:
- Objective Risk Assessments:
- Renamed to Analyze Risk Registers
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Process Risk Assessment:
- Renamed to Progress to Analyze Risk Registers
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Process Risk Assessment:
- Renamed to Progress to Analyze Risk Register
- Changed sorting options to Property & Created On
- Added a new view called Analyze Risk Registers (Grid)
- Added a new view called Analyze Risk Registers (Grid)
- Added a new view called Analyze Risk Registers (Grid)
- Added a new view called All Risks
- Objective Risk Assessments:
- Roles:
- Risk Team
- Risk Team (Standard ERM)
- Description:
- The following changes were made to the Manage activity (tab):
- Description:
- Added new guidance description.
- Views:
- Prioritize Risk Registers
- Prioritize Risk Registers
- Prioritize Risk Registers
- Review Risks
- Review Controls
- Roles:
- Risk Team
- Risk Team (Standard ERM)
- Description:
- The following changes were made to the Monitor activity:
- Description:
- Added new guidance description
- Views:
- Key Risk Indicators
- Loss Events
- Issue & Action Status
- Issue & Action Status
- Issue & Action Status
- Monitor Risk Registers
- Monitor Risk Registers
- Monitor Risk Registers
- Delete:
- Risk in Review
- Monitor Risks
- Escalated Risks
- Roles:
- Risk Team
- Risk Team (Standard ERM)
- Description:
- The following changes were made to the All-Risk Registers activity:
- Description:
- Added new guidance description
- Actions:
- Objective Risk Register
- Process Risk Register
- Category Risk Register
- Views:
- Active Objective Risk Register
- Active Process Risk Register
- Active Category Risk Register
- Archived Objective Risk Register
- Archived Process Risk Register
- Archived Category Risk Register
- Roles:
- Risk Team
- Risk Team (Standard ERM)
- Description: