Edit or Delete a Data Definition


An active Data Definition can be deleted from Resolver if you remove the Data Definition from the Data Visualization or Assessment. You will receive a system-generated message indicating that the Data Definition is currently in use if you try to remove a Data Definition before removing it from the Data Visualization or Assessment. 

Users can now add additional elements to a Data Definition if Reports or Orchestration Event Actions do not currently use it. Otherwise, Data Definitions can be edited by extending the path. System-generated messages will now indicate when additional elements can be added and when a Data Definition is used.

Previously selected data points cannot be removed.

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator permission to use the Data Definition feature.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.

Administration Icon

  1. From the Admin: Overview screen, click the Data Definition tile under the Data Model section.

Data Definition Tile

  1. From the Admin: Data Definition screen, enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow the Data Definition list.

Search Field

  1. Click a Data Definition name.

Data Definition Name

Editing a Data Definition

Users can now add elements to a Data Definition if the system does not use it. A system-generated message will appear if the Data Definition cannot be deleted.

System-Generate Message

  1. From the Admin: Edit Data Definition screen, scroll to the Data Path section.
  2. Click an Object Type Node to expand and select a Relationship, Reference, or Object Type.

Object Type Node Expanded

  1. When you have added all the required elements, click the Update button to save your changes.

Update Button

Deleting a Data Definition

An active Data Definition can be deleted from Resolver if you remove the Data Definition from the Data Visualization or Assessment.

  1. From the Admin: Edit Data Definition screen, scroll to the bottom and click the Delete button.

Delete Button

  1. A Confirmation pop-up will appear. Click the Yes button to delete the Data Definition.

Confirmation Pop-up