Adding Variables to an Email Template


Email templates allow an Administrator to configure the information (e.g., object fields and properties) that appears on an email when the Messaging (email) Workflow is triggered.

All object type fields and properties can be added to an email template, including custom and default email templates. The available fields and properties depend on the object triggering the email. 

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator permission to configure email templates.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Edit the Default Email Templates article for more information on email templates.

Please refer to the Create a New Email Template article for more information on creating an email template.

Please refer to the Object Properties article for more information on object properties.

Please refer to the  Markdown formatting article for more information on how to apply Markdown to the email template.


  1. From the Home screen, click the System icon.

System Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click the Email Templates tile under the Communication section.

Email Template Tile

  1. From the Admin: Email Templates screen, enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow the search results list.

Search Field

  1. Click the Email Template link you want to edit.

Email Template Link

Adding Variables to an Email Template

  1. From the Email Templates: Edit Email Templates screen, type a + sign in the Email Subject Line or Email Body field.

+ Sign Dropdown

  1. Type a field or property keyword after the + sign to narrow the variables list and select a Variable from the dropdown menu to insert it in the email template. The object type the field is linked to will appear in the search results to the right of the field's name. If a field is linked to more than one object type, it will appear in the search results once for each object type.


1Variable Title 
2Object Type
3One field that is linked to two different Object Types

Only the value of the field or property is displayed in the template. The field or property name is not populated automatically. You must manually type the title to include a title on the email template.  

  1. Scroll to the Preview section to see how the variables added to the email will appear on the email.

Preview Section

Supported Fields & Properties

A field or property will appear on an email as Not Specified if it is not linked to the same object type as the Message action, unlinked, or was deleted after embedding it in the template. Missing fields and properties will appear as {Field Not Found} in the Preview section.

The following fields and properties can be embedded in an email template: