There are currently five available user types in Dispatch:
- Administrator: A user who can create and configure users, zones and teams, priorities, visual alerts, templates, and locations, as well as perform the same dispatch functions as a dispatcher.
- Dispatcher: A user who can perform dispatch-related duties, such as create new dispatches and record logs, bring officers on and off duty, create and manage tasks, create and view SOPs and send SOP-related emails or notifications, manage available organizations, create new locations (with the appropriate permissions), and manage user settings.
- Officer: A member of your organization’s security team who is assigned tasks and dispatched to activities. If given login credentials, these users can log into the application as a dispatcher.
- Reviewer: A user who can view all the panels (except for Create and Create Task), but cannot create or modify any dispatches, tasks, or any information contained in the panels.
- Connect User: A user who can log into Connect as an administrator and configure its settings, including registering and mapping devices and creating rules. These users log into Connect using their Dispatch username and password. They may log into Dispatch as a dispatcher, administrator, or reviewer, depending on the additional settings selected in their user profile.
A Command Center administrator is responsible for creating Dispatch accounts, but a Dispatch administrator is responsible for configuring user profiles.