Export a Report


Report data can be exported into downloadable PDF, Word document, and spreadsheet files. However, there are some restrictions, depending on the file format and element type. All links and file attachments are disabled in exported report files.

Reports display the time and date the report was last updated/loaded based on the current user's local timezone. This timestamp appears on exported files and is updated when the report is reloaded or refreshed. To ensure your exported report files reflect the most recent data, click the Refresh icon on the report or refresh your browser before exporting. See the Loading & Caching Report Data article for more information.

Data grids cannot be exported.

Please refer to the Create a New Report article for more information on creating reports. 


  1. From the Home screen, click the Home dropdown.

Home Dropdown

  1. From the Home dropdown, select the Reports application.

    Reports Application

  1.  From the list of reports, click the report that you want to export.

    Report Name

Exporting a Report as a PDF

Tables, charts, heat maps, repeatable forms, and free form text can be exported into a PDF file. The PDF file will reflect any page breaks or PDF headers added to the report canvas by an administrator. 

An Example of a Report Exported as a PDF

  • From the report you want to export as a PDF, click the Export to PDF icon.

Export to PDF Icon

Exporting a Report as a Word Document

Only table reports can be exported into a Word document. If the report contains other report elements, only the table data will be exported. Repeatable form elements are not displayed in the export. 

Point in time reporting is not currently supported. Exporting a report with historical data currently displayed will generate a file showing present-day data only.

An Example of a Report Exported as a Word Document

  • From the report you want to export as a Word document, click the Export to Word icon.

    Export to Word Icon

Exporting a Report as an Excel Document

Only table reports can be exported into an Excel document. If the report contains other report elements, only the table data will be exported.

Point in time reporting is not currently supported. Exporting a report with historical data currently displayed will generate a file showing present-day data only.

An Example of a Report Exported as an Excel Document

  • From the report you want to export as an Excel document, click the Export to Excel icon.

    Export to Excel Icon