Edit the Default (Standard or Assigned) Email Templates


By default, every organization has two email templates:

  • Standard: Advises users that there are one or more objects that require attention.
  • Assigned: Advises users that one or more objects have been assigned to them.

These templates cannot be deleted, however, all fields in the templates can be edited, including the template name.

Each field in an email template can be editing, because of this the default template within your organization may have been renamed.

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator permission to configure and create email templates.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Using an Organization Logo for Branding Email Templates article for further information on how to use the organization logo to brand email templates.

Please refer to the Popular Markdown Styles article for more information on Markdown Formatting.

Please refer to the Email Template Variables article for more information on adding email variables.


  1. From the Home screen, select the Administration Icon.

Administration Icon

  1. From the Administration Settings menu, click the Admin Overview link.

Admin Overview Link

  1. From the Admin: Overview screen click the Email Templates tile under the Communications section.

Email Templates Tile

  1. From the Admin: Email Template screen, enter an email template name Standard or Assigned in the Search field to narrow the search results. 

Search Field

  1. Click on the Standard or Assigned Email Template link.

Email Template Link

Edit the Default Email Template

  1. Enter a unique email template name in the Email Template Name field. An email template name cannot be use more than once.

Email Template Name Field

  1. Enter an email subject in the Email Subject Line field. The subject line entered must be at least 5 alphanumeric characters.
    • User can also use the {orgName} variable in the Email Subject Line field to automatically populate their organization's name. The {orgName} variable is case sensitive.

Mail Subject Line Field

  1. Enter a custom message in the Email Body field. The custom message entered in the Emal Body field must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters.

Email Body Field

  1. Type a + sign in the Email Subject Line or Email Body field to embed a field or property variable. Type a field or property keyword after the + sign to narrow the variables list and select a Variable from the dropdown menu to insert it. See the Email Template Variables article for more information on adding email variables, including which fields and properties are supported.

Adding a Variable

  1. Users can apply Markdown Formatting to the text within the Email Body field.

Markdown Formatting

  1. Click the Expand icon under the Basic Markdown Formatting section to view a list of basic formatting commands. For more information applying formatting, see Popular Markdown Styles.

Expand Icon

  1. Click on a Logo option to display your company's logo in the top-left corner of the email template.
    • Use Custom Logo: Allows users to update a complete logo for use on the email template. Enter the logo's URL in the Logo Public Logo field to upload the logo.
      • The logo must be in JPEG, JPG, or PNG format.
      • The URL must end in .jpeg, .jpg, or .png. 
      • The dimensions of the logo are 150 x 50 px. 

Use Custom Logo/Logo Public URL

User Organization Logo

  1. Scroll to the Preview section to review the email template's appearance.

Preview Section

  1. The Email Template Workflow References section will show if the email template is used in a workflow. The object type's monogram, name, and workflow name will appear in this section as a link (e.g. [Object Type Name] - Workflow [Workflow Name]). Clicking these links will display the related Admin: Edit Workflow screen.

Email Template Workflow References