New Articles

  1. Reports & Data Grids

  2. Delete an Object

    Depending on their role permissions , both administrators and end users can delete objects. However, before an object can be deleted, you must review the Deletion Request  warning, which outlines how deleting that specific object impacts othe...
  3. Edit or Delete an Object Type Group

    To edit or delete an object type group: Click the icon in the top bar > Object Type Groups  in the Data Model  section. Click the object type group you want to edit to display the Edit Object Type Group  page. Enter an alter...
  4. Object Types & Objects

  5. Formulas

  6. Add Elements to a Standard Form

    Elements (e.g., fields, relationships, formulas.) can be added to a standard form by dragging and dropping them from the Form Elements  palette and onto a form card and/or section. You can open and close the palette by clicking the icon in t...
  7. Forms

  8. Fields

  9. Email Templates

  10. Meeting 9: Project Closure

    Prep ❒  Close Hypercare Tickets Ensure all individual Hypercare tickets are closed or accepted in the Project Tracker. ❒  Project Completion Sign Off Once Hypercare is signed off, in the Project Tracker, please also Sign off on t...