My Tasks is a tab in the nav bar that displays a list of existing incidents and other objects that have been assigned to the user who is currently logged in. By default, the My Tasks tab is displayed as the landing page whenever you're working in the Home area of your organization (upon login, after clicking the company logo in the top-left of the page, or selecting Home from the nav bar dropdown menu), although reports may also be designated as your landing page by an administrator. Any starred reports, including those that may have been flagged as the landing page, will always appear beside the My Tasks tab in the nav bar. The My Tasks page.
The charts to the right of the My Tasks section on this page outline the number of objects assigned to you and their states, such as Triage, Under Investigation, or Review. You can access this page at any time by clicking the Resolver logo (or your company logo, if configured) in the top-left corner of any page or by clicking My Tasks in the nav bar while working in an application or activity.
Objects can be viewed by clicking on them, but they won’t appear in your tasks unless that has been enabled for your role. Users can still access objects, depending on their user permissions, through Search, activities, reports, and applications.
To arrange how objects appear on the page, click Sort, then select one of the following options:
- Type: Sorts the assigned objects by object type.
- Name: Sorts the assigned objects by name.
- Workflow State: Sorts the assigned objects by their current workflow states.
- Assigned Date: Sorts the assigned objects by the date they were assigned to you.
By default, clicking an option will sort the objects in ascending order (alphabetically or by newest date first). Clicking the option again will sort the objects in descending order.The Sort option on the My Tasks page.
You can narrow down which objects are displayed by entering keywords from one or more object names. To once again view all objects, click Search then click the X to remove the keywords.Clicking Search then entering keywords from an object's name will narrow down which objects are displayed.