Version 24.2 Release (Dispatch)

New Features

Dispatches can be created with Locations on the Fly or Using Global Address Search

We have implemented a feature that enables dispatching to any point selected on a map or entered address. Dispatchers can utilize this functionality by searching for an address (or other result) using Bing, or by dropping a pin on a map that will automatically look up the address.

  • User must have the “Allow add Locations on the Fly” Permission enabled in Dispatch Settings under Officers to use this feature.
  • Any locations created on the fly will be temporary and will not be added to Dispatch Settings under Locations.
  • Any locations created on-the-fly will not create a Location Object in Command Center.
  • The added location’s geolocation details will be on the subsequent activity record in Core.

Improved Core Dispatch's user experience by removing references to Perspective

Previously, Dispatch and Perspective functioned as a single application. This feature is an initiative to remove Perspective references from the Core Dispatch user interface and streamline the application.

  • Removed reference to Perspective under Settings > Priority.
  • Removed the Perspective SiteRollUp Search (under location search options in system settings).
  • Removed the link to the Perspective Site and levels from Indoor Locations.

Allow Updates to the Team Name when an Officer is On-Duty

Previously, users could not update the Team Name if the officer was part of the team and on-duty. The Team Name can now be updated when the officer is on-duty.

Externally Deleted Call Categories and Officers are not Available in Dispatch

Deleted records in Core, which should be removed from Dispatch but remain due to being in use, are no longer accessible to Dispatch users. These include:

  • Call categories that are marked externally deleted are not available for selection when creating or updating a Dispatch.
  • Officers that are marked externally deleted, or that are related to Users marked as externally deleted, will not appear in Dispatch client admin view or on-duty view.

Preserve Table Column Orientation with the Save Layout Option

Implemented a new feature in the officer and Dispatch tables that allows the orientation to be saved along with the layout. Enabling this feature ensures modifications made to a table are retained in the saved layout, eliminating the need for customers to manually reconfigure the settings.

Rebuilt the Create/Update Officer Tasks APIs

Reconstructed the create/update officer task APIs to address the bug where officer tasks appeared as unassigned and could not be updated to any status except cleared.

Bug Fixes


  • Resolved an issue where the default theme in Dispatch displayed a blank dropdown menu when the window was minimized.
  •  Addressed an issue where deleted call signs could be assigned to an officer.
  •  Resolved an issue where the quick add person feature was unavailable in the Initiated By Person field in Dispatch.
  • Resolved an issue where the indoor location image was not being saved to the indoor location.
  • Fixed an issue where user layout records prevented the deletion of users from Dispatch, even after the users were removed from the Dispatch user group in Core.
  • Addressed an issue where users could not delete a priority record when it was not in use.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented closed dispatches from being cleared because of a database error.
  • Addressed an issue where the drag-and-drop functionality failed to work when handling multiple objects simultaneously.
  •  Fixed an issue where the officer status does not update to Available when the auto start option was enabled, and they had completed multiple tasks.
  •  Addressed an issue causing web hooks to fail when a business unit was created in Core and marked as unavailable in Dispatch.


  • Resolved an issue where the Device Events screen fails to fully load in cases with a high volume of devices and event types.
  • Fixed an issue where the Get Latest button would remove device location and location mapping.
  • Resolved an issue where the connect service cached a substantial amount of tenant data, leading to significant delays in service startup.
  • Resolved an issue where events were not triggering without restarting the Connect services, refreshing the cache.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple instances of Connect tasks caused the connection from Connect to the connector to fail.
  • Addressed an issue where devices and event types from multiple connectors could not exist simultaneously on Connect when using the Get Latest button.

Officer Mobile

  • Resolved an issue where users could not view selected text while using dark mode in settings.
  • Resolved the following notification-related issues in the OM application:
    • Fixed the occurrence of multiple notifications on iOS when a task is assigned to an officer.
      Corrected the lack of notification when officer task priorities are changed.
    • Eliminated the notification for reassignment of a task to another officer when a user has already been assigned the task.