Troubleshoot Bulk Assessment Issues


Users may encounter some errors when attempting to launch bulk assessments. Below is a table listing the most common bulk assessments errors with solutions.

Related Information/Setup

For more information on launching bulk assessments, please refer to to the Launching Bulk Assessments article. 

Bulk Assessments Troubleshooting

Error Error Message Troubleshooting Steps
Duplicate file name “Duplicate file name (file name). No assessments have been created because your file name matches a previously uploaded file name. Please give this multiple assessment file a unique name and try again.”

Give the file a unique name and upload again.
Invalid dimension on the Assessments worksheet "Assessment sheet, Cell (cell #) is not a valid input."
  • Check which dimensions are eligible for launching this assessment. Make sure the selection on the identified cell is valid.
  • Check that the dimension is not misspelled.
One or more assessment names are missing from the Assessments worksheet “No assessment data to validate.” 
  • Make sure that all required assessment creation data has been filled out on the Assessments worksheet.

  • Check that there is at least one assessment being launched in the file.

  • Check that no assessments have a blank Name field.

  • Check that there are no blank rows.

Updated object name on the Scope worksheet “No assessments have been created because the scope sheet does not match current scoping nav tree for this assessment. Please export a new file and try again."
  • Make sure that no edits have been made on  the Scope worksheet.

  • It's possible that library data has been updated since the template was exported. Try exporting a new template and build again.

Changed the Scope worksheet name in Excel “No assessments have been created because this file cannot be imported without a valid ‘Scope’ sheet.  Please export a new file and try again.”
  • Ensure that the Excel file has only three tabs: Guidance, Scope, Assessments.

  • Ensure that no tabs have been renamed.

Assessment data definition has changed or a user tampered with data on the Scope worksheet. “No assessments have been created because the scope sheet does not match current scoping nav tree for this assessment. Please export a new file and try again. (# of errors) errors found on Scope sheet."

Export a new template to ensure the Scope worksheet is an exact match for the configuration of the assessment.

Uploaded incorrect file type "(File name) (file type): this file type (file type) is not accepted."

Ensure the user has uploaded the correct .xlsx file type.

Incorrect values for numeric or single select fields “Assessment sheet, Cell (cell #) is not a valid numeric value."
"Assessment sheet, Cell (cell #) value does not match field values in configuration."
  • Check the expected format and values on the Guidance worksheet.

  • Ensure the selected value exists in Resolver. 

  • Check for spelling mistakes.

No assessment name in Assessments worksheet "Import bulk assessment: validate file content failed to validate sheets. Must contain at 1 assessment on the Assessments Sheet."
  • Check that there is at least one assessment being launched in the file.

  • Check that no assessments have a blank Name field.

251 assessments in Assessments worksheet "Import bulk assessment: validate file content failed to validate sheets data sheet should have less than 250 rows."
  • Bulk assessment launch files cannot launch more than 250 assessments per file.
  • Check that this launch is not trying to launch more than 250 assessments.
All objects were removed from the Scope worksheet "No assessments have been created because the scope sheet does not match current scoping nav tree for this assessment. Please export a new file and try again. (# of errors) errors found on Scope sheet."

Export a new bulk launch template to ensure the Scope worksheet is an exact match for the configuration of the assessment.

Removed column from the Assessments worksheet "No assessments have been created because the assessment sheet columns do not match the creation fields required for this assessment. Please export a new file and try again."
  • Check that no columns were deleted from the Assessments worksheet.

  • Export a new bulk launch template to ensure the Scope worksheet is an exact match for the configuration of the assessment.

Removed column from the Scope worksheet "No assessments have been created because the scope sheet does not match current scoping nav tree for this assessment. Please export a new file and try again. (# of errors) errors found on Scope sheet."
  • Check that no columns were deleted from the Scope worksheet.

  • Export a new bulk launch template to ensure the Scope worksheet is an exact match for the configuration of the assessment.