Deleting a Dispatch Location Through Dispatch


To delete a location, a Command Center administrator must delete its associated library object in the app. If a location is currently being used with a scheduled or active dispatch, officer, or task, you cannot delete that location or its indoor location.

Dispatch locations can also be deleted through Dispatch if the Available in Dispatch field on the location is set to no within the Locations screen in Library section within Resolver.

Available in Dispatch Field

If a location is associated with a closed dispatch (or its task), that location can’t be deleted until the dispatch is no longer displayed on the Closed Dispatches panel. To specify how long closed dispatches will appear on the panel, see Configure Closed Dispatches.


  1. From the Dispatch Home screen, click the Settings icon.

Settings Icon

  1. From the Settings screen, click the Locations icon.

Locations Icon

Deleting a Dispatch Location Through Dispatch

If a location is currently being used with a scheduled or active dispatch, officer, or task, you cannot delete that location or its indoor location.

  1. From the Location's screen, enter the location's name or street address in the Search field.

Up to 250 locations are displayed in the left-hand pane in the Locations settings. To find a specific location, use the search function.

Search Field

  1. Click the Location.


  1. Click on the Delete icon next to the location.

Delete Icon

  1. From the Confirmation pop-up, click the Yes button to delete the location.

Confirmation Pop-up