
Retrieve, create, update, or delete fields individually or retrieve the fields added to an object type.

Field Types
Field TypeDescription
2Date & Time
3Single Select List
5Multi Select List
6Image Attachment
 GET  /object/field

Retrieve all fields in the org or narrow your search by field name or ID.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' ''
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
searchTextquerystringKeyword(s) that will narrow the search results.No
idsquerystringThe internal ID of the specific field you want to retrieve. Leaving this field blank will retrieve all fields in the org.No
includeFieldOptionsquerybooleanIf true, the response will include select list options.No
Example Response Body
  "data": [
      "id": 12732,
      "name": "Abbreviation",
      "nameKey": "app:field:name:371a4976-61bb-4040-bcb9-3107abf6c375",
      "uniqueName": "ABBREVIATI",
      "type": 0,
      "longName": "",
      "longNameKey": "app:field:longName:a029dee3-4a5e-4a17-aa01-96b909b7512e",
      "pii": false,
      "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
      "modified": null,
      "org": 46,
      "properties": {
        "maxCharLength": 32,
        "multipleLines": false,
        "maximumCharacters": 10
      "defaultSelection": null,
      "nextFieldOptionOrdinal": 0,
      "externalRefId": "c5b27c1e-137f-42a8-b07c-764d9ad8a0f5"
Success Response

200 OK

 POST  /object/field

Create a new field.

Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "name": "New Field",  "type": 0,  "longName": "string",  "pii": true,  "properties": {},  "defaultSelection": 0,  "externalRefId": "string" }' ''
Body Parameters
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
namebodystringThe name of the new field.Yes
typebodyintegerThe type of field, represented by a number. See the Field Types table above for a list of types.Yes
longNamebodystringThe longer name of the field, if any, which may include additional details.No
piibodybooleanThis is for internal use only. No
propertiesbodydimensionAdditional configuration options for the field, depending on the type (e.g., maximum and minimum characters on a text field).
defaultSelectionbodynumberAn unused parameter. Disregard.No
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the new field.No
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "type": 0,
  "longName": "string",
  "pii": true,
  "properties": {},
  "defaultSelection": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string"
Example Response
  "id": 87977
Success Response

200 OK

 PUT  /object/field/{id}

Update an existing field.

Curl Request
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "name": "Updated Field",  "longName": "string",  "uniqueName": "string",  "properties": {},  "defaultSelection": 0,  "externalRefId": "string",  "type": 0 }' ''
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
iddoublepathThe internal ID of the field you want to modify.
externalRefIdstringpathThe external reference ID of the field you want to modify.
namebodystringThe name of the field.No
longNamebodystringThe longer name of the field, if any, which may include additional details.No
uniqueNamebodystringThe field's unique identifier in Core. Changing a component's unique name is not recommended as it can break other components that reference it.No
propertiesbodydimensionAdditional configuration options for the field, depending on the type (e.g., maximum or minimum characters for a text field).
defaultSelectionbodynumberAn unused parameter. Disregard.
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the new field.No
typebodyintegerThe type of field, represented by a number. See the Field Types table above for a list of types.
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "longName": "string",
  "uniqueName": "string",
  "properties": {},
  "defaultSelection": 0,
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "type": 0
Success Response

204 No Content

 DELETE  /object/field/{id}

Delete a field from the org.

Curl Request
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' ''
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idpathintegerThe internal ID of the field you want to delete.Yes
Success Response

204 No Content

 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/field

Retrieves a list of fields added to an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ''
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you wish to retrieve the fields from.Yes
includeFieldOptionspathbooleanIf true, the response will include options for select list fields.No
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 12848,
    "name": "Attachments",
    "nameKey": "app:field:name:ec4736a3-7a14-4864-884f-923618905a57",
    "uniqueName": "ATTACHMENT",
    "type": 4,
    "longName": "(File Link Only)",
    "longNameKey": "app:field:longName:4aa16f16-7623-4c4e-8498-04917ad90450",
    "pii": false,
    "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
    "modified": "2018-08-16T21:10:46.106Z",
    "org": 46,
    "properties": {
      "maxCharLength": 32,
      "multipleLines": false,
      "attachmentType": 1
    "defaultSelection": null,
    "nextFieldOptionOrdinal": 0,
    "externalRefId": "fadedfd1-40ec-4a55-aaca-3eee65cb71f4",
    "options": []