Retrieve, create, update, or delete fields individually or retrieve the fields added to an object type.
Field Types
Field Type | Description |
0 | Text |
1 | Numeric |
2 | Date & Time |
3 | Single Select List |
4 | Attachment |
5 | Multi Select List |
6 | Image Attachment |
GET /object/field
Retrieve all fields in the org or narrow your search by field name or ID.
Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' ''
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
searchText | query | string | Keyword(s) that will narrow the search results. | No |
ids | query | string | The internal ID of the specific field you want to retrieve. Leaving this field blank will retrieve all fields in the org. | No |
includeFieldOptions | query | boolean | If true, the response will include select list options. | No |
Example Response Body
{ "data": [ { "id": 12732, "name": "Abbreviation", "nameKey": "app:field:name:371a4976-61bb-4040-bcb9-3107abf6c375", "uniqueName": "ABBREVIATI", "type": 0, "longName": "", "longNameKey": "app:field:longName:a029dee3-4a5e-4a17-aa01-96b909b7512e", "pii": false, "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z", "modified": null, "org": 46, "properties": { "maxCharLength": 32, "multipleLines": false, "maximumCharacters": 10 }, "defaultSelection": null, "nextFieldOptionOrdinal": 0, "externalRefId": "c5b27c1e-137f-42a8-b07c-764d9ad8a0f5" }
Success Response
200 OK
POST /object/field
Create a new field.
Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{ "name": "New Field", "type": 0, "longName": "string", "pii": true, "properties": {}, "defaultSelection": 0, "externalRefId": "string" }' ''
Body Parameters
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
name | body | string | The name of the new field. | Yes |
type | body | integer | The type of field, represented by a number. See the Field Types table above for a list of types. | Yes |
longName | body | string | The longer name of the field, if any, which may include additional details. | No |
pii | body | boolean | This is for internal use only. | No |
properties | body | dimension | Additional configuration options for the field, depending on the type (e.g., maximum and minimum characters on a text field). | No |
defaultSelection | body | number | An unused parameter. Disregard. | No |
externalRefId | body | string | The external reference ID of the new field. | No |
Example Body Parameter
{ "name": "string", "type": 0, "longName": "string", "pii": true, "properties": {}, "defaultSelection": 0, "externalRefId": "string" }
Example Response
{ "id": 87977 }
Success Response
200 OK
PUT /object/field/{id}
Update an existing field.
Curl Request
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{ "name": "Updated Field", "longName": "string", "uniqueName": "string", "properties": {}, "defaultSelection": 0, "externalRefId": "string", "type": 0 }' ''
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
id | double | path | The internal ID of the field you want to modify. | Yes |
externalRefId | string | path | The external reference ID of the field you want to modify. | No |
name | body | string | The name of the field. | No |
longName | body | string | The longer name of the field, if any, which may include additional details. | No |
uniqueName | body | string | The field's unique identifier in Core. Changing a component's unique name is not recommended as it can break other components that reference it. | No |
properties | body | dimension | Additional configuration options for the field, depending on the type (e.g., maximum or minimum characters for a text field). | No |
defaultSelection | body | number | An unused parameter. Disregard. | No |
externalRefId | body | string | The external reference ID of the new field. | No |
type | body | integer | The type of field, represented by a number. See the Field Types table above for a list of types. | No |
Example Body Parameter
{ "name": "string", "longName": "string", "uniqueName": "string", "properties": {}, "defaultSelection": 0, "externalRefId": "string", "type": 0 }
Success Response
204 No Content
DELETE /object/field/{id}
Delete a field from the org.
Curl Request
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' ''
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
id | path | integer | The internal ID of the field you want to delete. | Yes |
Success Response
204 No Content
GET /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/field
Retrieves a list of fields added to an object type.
Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ''
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
objectTypeId | path | double | The internal ID of the object type you wish to retrieve the fields from. | Yes |
includeFieldOptions | path | boolean | If true, the response will include options for select list fields. | No |
Success Response
200 OK
Example Response Body
[ { "id": 12848, "name": "Attachments", "nameKey": "app:field:name:ec4736a3-7a14-4864-884f-923618905a57", "uniqueName": "ATTACHMENT", "type": 4, "longName": "(File Link Only)", "longNameKey": "app:field:longName:4aa16f16-7623-4c4e-8498-04917ad90450", "pii": false, "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z", "modified": "2018-08-16T21:10:46.106Z", "org": 46, "properties": { "maxCharLength": 32, "multipleLines": false, "attachmentType": 1 }, "defaultSelection": null, "nextFieldOptionOrdinal": 0, "externalRefId": "fadedfd1-40ec-4a55-aaca-3eee65cb71f4", "options": [] }