To create an RTA:
Click Settings > RTA.
Click the Create icon in the pane to the left.
If this RTA should be inactive, click the icon under Active. Inactive RTAs will appear with the icon.
Click and drag the first notch in the slider to identify the status that will trigger the RTA.
Click and drag the second notch in the slider to identify the dispatch status the dispatcher should achieve within the RTA.
Under Time Allowed, type or use the arrows in the Hours, Minutes, and/or Seconds fields to specify the amount of time the dispatcher has to modify the dispatch status.
To create an RTA for a specific location:
Click the icon next to By Location.
Enter the name of a previously saved location or indoor location in the Search locations field or click a pin on the map to select a location or indoor location. To create a new location, click the icon, click an area on the map, then enter the location name in the Location Name field.
To create an RTA for a specific priority or priorities:
Click the icon next to By Priority.
Select the checkboxes next to the priority or priorities you want to create the RTA for (e.g. High, Medium, Low).