Creating a Number Field


A Number field allows users to enter numbers into a form. The Number field can also display trending data when added to a standard form on an object type.

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator permission to use the create a numeric field.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Trending Tables article for more information on values changing over multiple timeframes using Trending Tables.

Please refer to the Creating a Currency Field article for more information on creating currency fields.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.

Administration Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click the Fields tile on the Data Model section.

Fields Tile

  1. From the Admin: Fields, click the +Create Field button.

+Create Field Button

Creating a Numeric Field

  1. From the Which type of would you like to create? pop-up, hover your cursor over the Numeric field.

Numeric Field

  1. Click the Create Field button.

Create Field Button

  1. From the Admin: Create a Field screen, enter the field name in the Field Name field. The Field Name can be used on object types throughout the system.

Field Name Field

  1. (Optional) enter additional information or alternate phrasing in the Long Name field. Information entered in the Long Name field can appear on forms.

Long Name Field

  1. (Optional) Enter a field description explaining the function of the field in the Description field. The Description field gives users more information about a field.

Description Field

  1. (Optional) Enter the minimum number of characters allowed in the Minimum Characters field (the value must be a whole number). The Minimum Characters field value must be less than or equal to the Maximum Characters field value.

Minimum Characters Field

  1. (Optional) Enter the maximum number of characters allowed in the Maximum Characters field (the value must be a whole number). The Maximum Character field value must be greater than or equal to the Minimum Character field value.

Maximum Characters Field

  1. Select a the Number field type from the Number Type dropdown menu:
    • Number: A field that allows users to enter a numeric value.
    • Currency: A field that allows users to enter a currency value.

Number Type Dropdown Menu

  1. Click the Create button to create the new Number field and to preview what the field will look like when added to a Configuration Form within the system. You may need to scroll to the Preview section to view the field after clicking the Create button.

Preview Section