Object Types Overview

Object types are the containers for the data entered into Core and are the foundation of the entire system. 

Object types determine the category of data that’s collected and exactly what kind of data is entered. After an object type has been created, it can be associated with configurable forms, applications, activities, tasks, and data visualizations. Records saved within an object type are known as objects.

Administrators define what appears on the object type by adding fields, relationships, formulas, and roles, which are components. Components need to be added so they can later be selected to appear on the configurable forms created for the object type, alongside the object's properties. If needed, these components can be used to create concatenations that use custom expressions to auto-populate the Name and Description properties on an object.

The data collection process for each object type is defined through a workflow, while the privileges a user has when working with the object type is specific in their role's workflow permissions.

A blank object type displayed through a configurable form. Through this form, users can enter, edit, and view data (depending on their permissions).

Components and workflows are configured through the Edit Object Type page, which has a number of tabs with information and configurable settings, including:

  • Overview: A list of any configurable forms or data definitions associated with the object type.
  • Fields: Allows you to create, add, and edit fields on the object type as well as displays a list of the previously added fields.
  • Formulas: Allows you to create, add, and edit formulas on the object type as well as displays a list of the previously added formulas. 
  • Relationships: Allows you to create, add, and edit relationships on the object type as well as displays a list of the previously added relationships.
  • References: Displays a list of references on the object type.
  • Roles: Allows you to add and configure roles on the object type as well as displays a list of the previously added roles.