Quick Start Guide - Creating Rules within Connect


The following procedures will walk the user through the steps required to create a rule within Connect.


Dispatch Template

For rules to work, a Dispatch Template is required. Dispatch templates are created and managed by Dispatch Administrators. 

The Dispatch Administrator may want to create new Call Categories (Activity Types) for Connect events. Creating an Activity Type is the same as creating Objects.  

When creating an Activity Type, the Category, Sub Category and Activity Type Details fields are mandatory. Resolver recommends filling out Activity Abbreviation improving Activity Type search functionality.

Connect Access Permission

To access and set up rules in Connect, a user must have an Active Dispatch User and Connect Access enabled. No other permissions are needed.

A Dispatch Administrator can enable the Connect permission in the Dispatch Settings screen, under the Users tab, by clicking the Connect Access checkbox under the User Access section.

Connect Access Checkbox

Location Image

For rules to work, Devices require a location and must be mapped to a Location image. 

The Location Image is configured in the Dispatch Settings screen under the Location tab. To apply an image to a Master location (in the case it has one floor) you need to select a Location and click the Add Indoor Location button to upload an image from the connected PC. 

Add Indoor Location

Best Practice: 
If your building has devices on multiple floors, set up an Indoor Location on each floor, with a floor plan.

Considerations Before you Get Started

  • It is recommended to add tags to devices (and event types) allowing you to group devices together when creating a rule.  

  • When setting up rules for devices across different Operational Zones or Work Zones, you need a rule for each Operational Zone/Work Zone.

  • In Connect, rules with the lowest value take precedence over rules with a highest value.   

  • To create a rule, you’ll need the exact name of the device/event type. It is recommended that you copy and paste to and from notepad (or other noting tool) when setting up rules.

Log into Connect

  1. Log into an Org and select the Command Center Application from the Home dropdown menu. 
  2. Click Launch Connect or Connect, which will open a new browser tab. 
  1. Connect can also be accessed from a Resolver Supported browser.

Register a Device and Populate Event Types

All devices (e.g. cameras, doors, alarm sensors, etc.) must be registered and all Event Types must be populated in Connect, before we can create rules.

  1. On the Connectors tab, click the GET LATEST button.
  2. Devices will be pulled into the Devices tab and Event Types will be pulled into the Event Types tab. 
  1. (Optional) Devices can be registered manually.
  1. (Optional) Users can search for a specific device or event type using the search bar. 

Devices and Event Types are pulled from the Connector Plug-in that is installed on the security system server.

(Optional) Tagging Devices and Event Types

It is recommended to add tags to devices, allowing you to group devices together when creating a rule. This optimizes rule creation (needing fewer rules) and automates updates if new devices are added and tagged later on. 


You want to set up a rule to create a Dispatch when a Door is forced open. You can tag all your door devices and use that tag in one rule, rather than needing to create individual rules for each device!

Set Location

  1. For rules to work. a Device requires a location and the location must be mapped to an image. For more information on mapping a location to a device, see step 5 in the article below.
  1. To apply an image to a Master location (in the case it has one floor) you need to click the Indoor Location button to be able to upload an image. Images from master and indoor locations are pulled from Dispatch to Connect.  
  1. You can also set the device to an indoor location in Connect on the Device Mapping screen by using an (>) symbol between the master location and the name of the indoor location.

Adding an Indoor Location with > in Connect

> Indoor Location - Dispatch

Building a Rule

  1. Rules are created on the Rules tab in Connect, for general information about rules please review the article below:
  1. When creating rules using Device Name and Event Type Name, you’ll need the exact spelling including special characters. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to copy and paste to notepad (or another noting tool). 
  1. Instructions for creating a rule can be viewed here

 Rule Name

When creating a Rule name, we highly recommend using a descriptive name that will easily identify the device(s) event type(s) or tags and location for rule management and search functionality.

<Device Name or Tag> - <Event Type or Tag> - <Location>

Rule Priority

During rule creation, you set the rule priority. In Connect, rules with the lowest value take precedence over rules with a highest value.   

For Example:

You have a rule for Lab Door 203. If the door is held open, an Alarm is created, with a priority of three.

A second rule can be created for the same door (Lab Door 203). If the door is forced open, a Dispatch is created, with a priority of one.

A door is forced open and remains open (held). The forced open rule for lab door 203 is triggered, and a Dispatch is created. This happens because the forced door rule has a priority of one and is lower than the held door rule, which has a priority of three.

If two events occur that triggers two rules with the same priority, the newest event is assigned the higher priority and will occur after the lower priority event. 


When setting up the criteria, you have three operators (Equals, Starts With and Contains). Currently, the operator Contains, will revert to Equals.  


  • When using device name and event type name additional characters or misspelling could cause the rule to fail.
  • Ensure your criteria can be met with a real-life situation. 

For example:

Door 101 is located on the first floor and Door 222 is located on the second floor of your building. If a Device Name Equals Door 101 and a Device Name Equals Door 222 and Event Type Equals Forced Open, it’s highly unlikely Door 101 and Door 222 are going to be forced open at the same time and therefore the rule can’t trigger.

Rule Actions

Once the criteria has been set, we then need to create an Action.

When to use an Alarm Verses Create Dispatch - Best Practice

  • You can create either an Alarm or a Dispatch Action. An alarm can be escalated to a Dispatch.
  • If you want the ability to acknowledge an alarm and not dispatch an officer every time it’s triggered, it’s recommended to use an Alarm.
  • When setting up rules for devices across different Operational Zones or Work Zones, you need a rule for each Operational Zone/Work Zone.