A custom email template is any template that is not a default template (Standard or Assigned). Both custom and default templates can be edited, but only custom templates can be deleted, provided they are not currently selected in a Messaging action in a workflow.
To edit or delete a custom email template:
- Click theicon in the top bar > Email Templates in the Communications section.
- Click the template you want to edit to open the Edit Email Template Page.
- Enter a new or revised name for the template in the Email Template Name field, ensuring the name has not already been assigned to another template.
- Enter a new or revised subject line in the Email Subject Line field. This line must be a minimum of 5 alphanumeric characters. To automatically populate the name of your Resolver Core organization in this field using a variable, alone or with additional text, enter {orgName}. This variable is case-sensitive.
- Enter a new or revised message in the Email Body field. This message will appear above the links to the relevant objects and requires a minimum of 10 alphanumeric characters.
- Optional: To embed a field or property variable, type + in the Email Subject Line or Email Body field, begin typing a field or property name to narrow down the search results, then click the variable to add it to the template. See the Email Template Variables article for more information on adding email variables, including which fields and properties are supported.
- Optional: Apply styling to the custom message or variable(s) in the Email Body field. To view basic styles, click theicon in the Basic Markdown Formatting section. For more information on Markdown, on applying styles, see Popular Markdown Styles.
- Optional: To display your company's logo in the top-left corner of the template, type or paste the URL where the image is uploaded in the Logo field. When inserting a custom logo in an email template, note that:
- The logo must be saved in JPEG, JPG, or PNG format.
- The image URL must end in .jpeg, .jpg, or .png. If a URL that does not end in one of these file extensions, the Logo field will display an error.
- The ideal dimensions of the logo are 150 x 50 px. If the image is larger or smaller, it will be reduced or enlarged in the template.
- To delete the template, click the icon, then Yes to confirm. If this icon is grayed out, the template is either a default template or is currently selected in a workflow action.
- To review view a list of workflows the template is currently associated with, see the Email Template Workflow Reference section at the bottom of the page. If the email template is being used in a workflow, the object type's monogram, name, and workflow name will appear in this section as a link (e.g. [Object Type Name] - Workflow [Workflow Name]). Clicking these links will display the related Edit Workflow page.