The Risk Team (Standard ERM) user group is used to access the Standard Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) app. This app is a lightweight version of Risk Management (RM) that allows users to use simplified versions of forms and object types of the base application. As the user's business grows, the user can upgrade parts of the app to gain access to more information.
The Standard ERM app has access to much of the same features and object types with the same workflows as Risk Management. The following features and object types are not available in Standard Risk Management:
- Issues
- Key Risk Indicators
- Loss Events
- Incident Management Integration
All the forms available in the Standard ERM function the same way as the ones in RM, but simplified in places, due to the missing object types and features. For example, the Assess Risk form's Document Corrective Actions section, which can have corrective actions attached directly to the risk, rather than to issues attached to the risk.