Reordering a Workflow State


Administrator users can reorder a Workflow's States by clicking the Reorder button on the Admin: Object Types screen. The Administrator can click a state on the Reorder pop-up screen and drag and drop it in a new position within the Workflow.

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator permission to access the Object Types Tile.


  1. From the Home screen, click on the Administration icon.

Administration Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click on the Object Types tile under the Data Model section.

Object Types Tile

  1. From the Object Types screen, enter an Object Type Name in the Search field to narrow down the Object Types list. 
  2. Click the Object Type's Name you want to edit.

Click the Object Type's Name

  1. From the Admin: Edit Object Type screen, click the Configure Workflow button.

Configure Workflow Button

Reordering a Workflow State

  1. From the Admin: Edit Workflow screen, click the Reorder button.

Reorder Button

  1. From the Reorder pop-up screen, click the Move icon.

Move Icon

  1. While holding the left mouse button, drag and drop a State into a new position and release the left mouse button when the state is in the desired position.

Drag and Drop State

New State Position

  1. Click the Done button to return to the Admin: Edit Workflow screen


  1. The moved state will appear in its new position within the Workflow.