Editing and Deleting a Relationship from an Object Type


Users can edit or delete Object Type relationships from their orgs. 

User Account Requirements

The user must have Administrator permissions in order to access the Admin Overview section. 

To read more about adding a relationship to an Object Type, please refer to the Adding a Relationship to an Object Type article.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.
  2. Administration Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click the Object Types tile under the Data Model section.

    Object Types Tile

  1. From the Object Types screen, enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow the Object Types list and click the Object Type with the relationship you want to edit or delete.
  2. Object Types Name

  1. From the Edit Object Type screen, click the Relationships tab to find the relationship you want to edit or delete.
  2. Relationships Tab

Editing an Object Type Relationship

  1. From the Relationships tab, click the relationship you want to edit. From the Edit Relationship pop-up, you can edit a relationship name, reference name, long name, or Object Type Group.
  2. Edit Relationship Pop-Up

  1. From the Edit Object Type screen, click the Done button to save all changes.
  2. Done Button

Deleting an Object Type Relationship

  1. From the Relationships tab, click the Delete icon beside the relationship you want to delete.
  2. Delete Icon

  1. Click the Delete button to confirm deletion.
  2. Delete Button

  1. From the Edit Object Type screen, click the Done button to save all changes.
  2. Done Button