Adding an Expandable Table to a Dashboard


Resolver’s Dashboard Builder allows Administrators to build custom Dashboards using the Dashboard Data Sets published within their Org.

Before using the Dashboards feature, at least one Dashboard Data Set needs to be created and published.

Expandable Tables group banded reports. Each row presents a distinct value from the grouping field with special formatting highlighting the value. The number of detail records associated with the grouped value is displayed in parentheses adjacent to the grouped values. Expandable tables are useful for organizing datasets with many rows, as multiple detail rows are collapsed by default.

All changes or edits made to a Chart are globally applied across all instances of the Chart unless you duplicate the Chart and apply changes or edits to the duplicated Chart.  

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator permission or Data Management advanced permissions to add an Expandable Table to a Dashboard.

Related Information/Setup

Please follow the link below to create a new Dashboard Data Set.

After creating a Dashboard Data Set, the user must publish it before it can be used with the Dashboard Data Set Builder. Please follow the link below for more information on Publishing a Dashboard Data Set.

Please follow the link below to add styles to your Chart.

Please see the corresponding articles below for Information on Adding a Chart Type not covered by these instructions.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.

Administration Icon

  1. From the Administrator Settings menu, click the Admin Overview link.

Administrator Settings Menu

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click on the Dashboard Builder tile under the Views section.

Dashboard Builder Tile

  1. From the Dashboard Builder screen, click on a Dashboard Name.

Dashboard Name

Adding an Expandable Table to a Dashboard

  1. From the Canvas Layout screen, click the Add Chart button.

Add a Chart Button

  1. From the Chart screen, click on a Dashboard Data Set from the Data Panel.

Only published Dashboard Data Sets will appear on the 
Data Panel.

Dashboard Data Set

  1. Click in the Chart Header (Untitled Chart) field and enter a Chart Name. The first 36 characters will show in the Chart Header.

Chart Header and Description

  1. Click in the Add Description field and enter a Chart Description. The Chart Description will appear on the Data Panel under the Chart section and pop up when hovering your cursor over a Chart Name.

Chart Description

  1. Select the Expandable Table Chart tile from the Charts panel.

Expandable Table Chart

  1. Dashboard Data Set Categories and Values will appear under the Dashboard Data Set Name on the Data Panel.
  • Categories (Blue): Categories are text and data columns used to group data (e.g., Sales Region, Department Name, Order Dates, etc.).
  • Values (Green): Values are numeric columns used to calculate data. Values can also be aggregated (e.g., Average Price Per Product, Total Sales Revenue, etc.).
  1. Categories and Values have a Data Type icon next to the Dashboard Data Set Name. Data Type icons indicate the Category and Value Data Type:
  • Text:
  • Numeric:
  • Date:
  1. Drag and drop a Category or Value from the Data Panel onto the Column section at the top of the Chart or within the Column field.

Drag and Drop a Column

  1. The Column data will populate the Chart. Data will populate the Chart after adding a Category or Value that has data to the Chart.

Data Expandable Table

  1.  Add multiple Categories or Values to the Column field to add multiple Columns to the Table.

Multiple Columns

  1. Drag and drop a Category or Value from the Data Panel onto the Section area on the left of the Chart or within the Section field.

Section Field

  1. Add multiple Categories or Values to the Section field to add multiple Columns to the Table.
  2. Adding Sections creates expandable dropdown lists within the Table.

Multiple Sections

  1. Click the Save Chart button to save your changes.