Submitting a Corrective Action for Review


After a corrective action has been reviewed and moved to an open state, it must be reviewed by an Internal Audit Manager.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Creating a New Corrective Action article for further information on creating a new corrective action.

Please refer to the Opening a Corrective Action article for further information on opening a corrective action.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Home dropdown and select the Portal link.

Home Dropdown

  1. From the Audits screen, click on the Corrective Actions tab.

Corrective Actions Tab

  1. From the Corrective Actions screen, click on an open corrective action from the My Corrective Actions section. 

Open Corrective Action

Submitting a Corrective Action for Review

  1. From the Corrective Action screen, review the corrective action and apply any required changes
  2. Edit the corrective action name by clicking on the Corrective Action Name in the header to unlock the field and enter a new name. The content entered will be automatically saved.

Corrective Action Name Field

  1. Click the Description field and enter a brief description outlining the steps within the corrective action.

Description Field

  1. Enter a user or user group name in the Corrective Action Owner field and select a user or user group from the dropdown menu.

Corrective Action Owner Dropdown

  1. Set a corrective action priority by clicking the Priority field and selecting a priority from the dropdown menu.
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High

Priority Dropdown

  1. (Optional) Select the date the corrective action is expected to be completed by clicking the Expected Completion Date field and selecting a Date from the Calendar pop-up.

Calendar Pop-up

  1. Select the corrective action's actual completion date by clicking the Actual Completion Date field and selecting a Date from the Calendar pop-up.
  1. Users can attach evidence to the corrective action by dragging and dropping an image in the Supporting Attachments field or clicking the + Add File link and selecting an image from the connected PC. The maximum size for Files is 100 MB. the following file types are not valid (.bat, .exe, .gif, .sh, .dll, or .com).

+ Add File Link

  1. Users can attach evidence to the corrective action by clicking on the Add Link link to attach a web link to the corrective action or click the Click to add a web link to a file link.

Add Link

  1. (Optional) Click the More icon on the uploaded file card to upload new version, rename, delete, or check version history.

More Icon

  1. From the Add Web Link pop-up, enter a Display Name and URL Link.

Add Web Link Pop-up

  1. Click on a related issue on the Issues table to view the related issue.

Related Issue

  1. Click the Loss Events tab.

Loss Events Tab

  1. From the Loss Events tab, click on a loss event on the Loss Events table to view the loss event.

Loss Event

  1. (Optional) Click the x icon next to a loss event to remove the loss event from the corrective action.

X Icon

  1. Sroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Submit for Review button. Users in the Internal Audit Management user group will receive a notification that there is a corrective action ready for review.

Submit for Review Button