Create a New User


Every individual you want to access your Resolver environment requires a user account. A user with Administration privileges can add user accounts to Resolver. When a user account is created, an Administrator must assign each user-to-user groups for the user to access the Resolver environment. Only Administrators can add users to the system.

User Account Requirements

The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator or advanced permissions to access the User Management screen. 

Related Information/Setup

For more information regarding Administrative user privileges, please see the Administrator Overview article.

For more information on adding a user to a user group, please see the Adding a User to a User Group article.

For more information on using an alternate language setting, please see the Languages Overview article.

For Orgs that have Data Warehouse enabled, please see the Access Your Data Warehouse Settings article.

For password requirements, please see the Password Requirements article.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.

Administration Icon

  1. From the Administrator Settings menu, click User Management.

    Administrator Settings Menu

Creating a New User

  1. From the User Management screen, click the Create User button.

    Create User Button

  2. Enter the user’s name in the First Name and Last Name fields.

    First and Last Name Fields

  3. Enter the user's email address in the Email field. The email address is used to:
  • Receive the Resolver sign-up email containing instructions on creating a new password and signing into Resolver.
  • Authenticate the user when logging in to Resolver.

Email Field

  1. (Optional): The following toggle switches are options settings and can give users absolute access or visibility in the system:
  • Enable User Access: Click the Enable User Access toggle switch to deactivate the user account. By default, the user account is enabled.
  • Portal URL Access: Click the Portal URL Access toggle switch to grant the user account access only to the Portal URL.
    • When you click the Portal URL Access toggle switch, the Admin, All Data Access, and Advanced Permission toggle switches will automatically be disabled.
    • For Orgs that have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enforced: An Enforce Org Level MFA toggle switch will be visible which allows Administrators to opt that user out of MFA for that Org. Please see the Opt-Out Multi-Factor Authentication for a Specific User article for more information.
  • Admin: The Admin toggle switch gives users Administrative privileges with the potential to cause irreparable system damage.
  • All Data Access: The All Access toggle switch allows Users to view, edit, and delete Objects and Object Types. The All Data Access toggle switch overrides Object Type Workflow permissions.

Resolver recommends not enabling the Admin or All Access toggle switches on for new user accounts.

Optional Toggle Switches

  1. (Optional): Select a language from the Language field dropdown menu to change the system's language setting. Before you can set an alternate language setting, an Administrator needs to download a Languages .csv file from the system, map language translations to the user interface text, and upload the .csv file for use within Resolver.
  2. Click the Create button to create the new user account.

    Create Button