
Retrieve, add, modify, or delete roles added to object types.

 GET  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role 

Retrieves the roles added to an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/4188/role'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you want to retrieve roles from.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 2620,
    "name": "Control Owner",
    "description": "Compliance Management, Risk Management",
    "nameKey": "app:role:name:c03c11e4-062b-4913-94ae-b79362cbc294",
    "descriptionKey": "app:role:description:6bc5e50f-cb43-4b27-a7e4-aada7eead96c",
    "isGlobal": false,
    "created": "2017-12-15T06:28:05.748Z",
    "modified": "2019-10-25T18:38:14.796Z",
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "619ec9fd-b624-44c6-aa56-15c32bee1820",
    "canPerformSearch": true,
    "canQuickCreate": true,
    "canGetHelp": true,
    "canSearchArchive": true
    "id": 2637,
    "name": "Reviewed By",
    "description": "",
    "nameKey": "app:role:name:3beca149-9ba5-4d37-8135-eb6c4e0462b2",
    "descriptionKey": "app:role:description:24af4bc4-53a8-467b-9349-f174276c3ab9",
    "isGlobal": false,
    "created": "2018-03-15T02:53:27.270Z",
    "modified": "2019-10-25T18:38:14.796Z",
    "org": 46,
    "externalRefId": "a5655e05-ec0b-475e-b1f7-495872ece72f",
    "canPerformSearch": true,
    "canQuickCreate": true,
    "canGetHelp": true,
    "canSearchArchive": true
 POST  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role

Add a role to an object type.

Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "roleIds": [    4037  ] }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/10317/role'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you want to add the role to.Yes
roleIdsbodyroleIdsThe internal ID of the role you want to add to the object type.Yes
Success Response

200 OK

Example Response Body
    "id": 7112,
    "object_type_id": 10317,
    "role_id": 4038,
    "org": 46
 DELETE  /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role/{roleId}

Delete a role from an object type.

curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/10317/role/4038'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
objectTypeIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the object type you want to add the role to.Yes
roleIdpathdoubleThe internal ID of the role you want to delete from the object type.Yes
Success Response

204 No Content