Retrieve, add, modify, or delete roles added to object types.
GET /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role
Retrieves the roles added to an object type.
Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' ''
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
objectTypeId | path | double | The internal ID of the object type you want to retrieve roles from. | Yes |
Success Response
200 OK
Example Response Body
[ { "id": 2620, "name": "Control Owner", "description": "Compliance Management, Risk Management", "nameKey": "app:role:name:c03c11e4-062b-4913-94ae-b79362cbc294", "descriptionKey": "app:role:description:6bc5e50f-cb43-4b27-a7e4-aada7eead96c", "isGlobal": false, "created": "2017-12-15T06:28:05.748Z", "modified": "2019-10-25T18:38:14.796Z", "org": 46, "externalRefId": "619ec9fd-b624-44c6-aa56-15c32bee1820", "canPerformSearch": true, "canQuickCreate": true, "canGetHelp": true, "canSearchArchive": true }, { "id": 2637, "name": "Reviewed By", "description": "", "nameKey": "app:role:name:3beca149-9ba5-4d37-8135-eb6c4e0462b2", "descriptionKey": "app:role:description:24af4bc4-53a8-467b-9349-f174276c3ab9", "isGlobal": false, "created": "2018-03-15T02:53:27.270Z", "modified": "2019-10-25T18:38:14.796Z", "org": 46, "externalRefId": "a5655e05-ec0b-475e-b1f7-495872ece72f", "canPerformSearch": true, "canQuickCreate": true, "canGetHelp": true, "canSearchArchive": true } ]
POST /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role
Add a role to an object type.
Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{ "roleIds": [ 4037 ] }' ''
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
objectTypeId | path | double | The internal ID of the object type you want to add the role to. | Yes |
roleIds | body | roleIds | The internal ID of the role you want to add to the object type. | Yes |
Success Response
200 OK
Example Response Body
[ { "id": 7112, "object_type_id": 10317, "role_id": 4038, "org": 46 } ]
DELETE /object/objectType/{objectTypeId}/role/{roleId}
Delete a role from an object type.
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' ''
Name | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Required |
objectTypeId | path | double | The internal ID of the object type you want to add the role to. | Yes |
roleId | path | double | The internal ID of the role you want to delete from the object type. | Yes |
Success Response
204 No Content