A Data Grid is a data visualization that displays object data in a spreadsheet-style format.
User Account Requirements
The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrator permission or Data Management advanced permissions to edit a Data Grid.
Related Information/Setup
Please see the Create a Data Grid article for more information on creating a new data gird.
- From the Home screen, click the Administration icon.
Administration Icon
- From the Administrator Settings menu, click Admin Overview.
Administrator Settings Menu
- From the Admin Overview screen, click the Data Visualizations tile under the Views section.
Data Visualization Tile
- From the Admin: Data Visualizations screen, enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow the search results list.
Search Field
- Click the Report you want to add or edit a column.
Report Link
Editing/Updating a Data Grid
- From the Admin: Edit Data Grid screen, click the + Add Another Data Grid Focus link.
+ Add Another Data Grid Focus Link
- From the Add Data Definitions pop-up screen, add a focus by clicking on the data definitions listed.
Data Definition
- (Optional) Enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow down the results listed.
- Once you have selected all focus data definitions, scroll to the bottom of the Add Data Definitions pop-up.
- The number of data definitions selected will be indicated at the bottom of the pop-up next to the new data definition selected tag.
new data definition selected Tag
- Click on the Done button to exit the Add Data Definition pop-up and return to the Admin: Edit Data Grid screen.
Once a Focus is added to a Data Grid it cannot be removed. A Locked Icon will appear next to all focuses, added to the Data Grid.
Done Button
- From the Admin: Edit Data Grid screen, hover the cursor over the Data Grid Canvas and click the Edit icon.
Edit Icon
- From the Data Type tab on the Edit Data Grid pop-up, enter a Data Type name in the Search field to narrow the results on the Select Your Data Type list.
Search Field
- (Optional) Select the Select All checkbox to select all data types listed.
Select All Checkbox
- Select the data type(s) that will be displayed in the chart from the Select You Data Type list. Selecting an Assessment Type, Data Type will include the assessment name and workflow state.
Data Type
- Selecting LIBRARY DATA will include object type data.
Library Data
- From the Data Type tab, select the Columns tab.
Columns Tab
- From the Columns tab, select a relationship from the Select a Relationship dropdown menu. The relationship selected controls the data that appears on the Select Data dropdown menu.
Select a Relationship Dropdown Menu
(Optional) Enter a keyword in the Search field to narrow your search.
Select Data Search Field
Click on a property, workflow state, field, formula, relationship, reference, or role to add the information to the table using a data column.
Select a Column Element
- (Optional) Select the Object can be accessed in the palette from data grid checkbox, to allow users to open an object in a pop-up while viewing the data grid.
Default Custom Forms Dropdown
- A dropdown menu that will appear under the Object can be accessed in the palette from data grid field. Select the form that will appear which form is displayed when the user clicks the palette icon under the Name column on the Data Grid.
Form Dropdown Menu
- (Optional) From the Sort Columns section, click the Read-Only icon to mark a column as read-only and prevent users from editing their cells in the grid.
View Icon
- (Optional) Click the Delete icon to remove a column from the table.
Delete Icon
- (Optional) Click the Move icon to rearrange the columns on the table.
Move Icon
- (Optional) Select the Mark all columns as read-only checkbox will mark all columns on the table as read-only.
Mark all columns as read-only Checkbox
- (Optional) Select a Display option radio button.
Display Options Radio Buttons
- (Optional) Select the Display Colored Cells radio button to display formulas or select list cells with text and full background color.
Display Colored Cells
- (Optional) Select the Display Colored Ovals radio button to display formulas or select list cells as text with colored circle background.
Display Colored Ovals
- (Optional) Select the Display No Color radio button to display formulas or select list cells as text with no background.
Display No Color
- Click the Parameters tab.
Parameters Tab
- From the Parameters tab, select a relationship from the Select a Relationship dropdown menu. The relationship selected controls the data that appears on the Select Data dropdown menu.
Select a Relationship Dropdown Menu
- Users can apply parameters that use workflow states, formula ranges, select list options, or roles to filter what data is displayed on the table. Parameters can be applied to a table using relationships saved to the table’s data definition, but not references.

Tables with more than 10,000 data rows will not load correctly. Resolver recommends that filters or parameters are applied to filter the data and prevent errors.
- Under the Define Parameters section, enter parameters in the following field types to filter the data displayed in the Table:
- By Workflow State: Filter the table data by the various Workflow State stages (e.g., Create, Triage, Review, Investigate, Close).
- By Select List Values: Filter the table data by Select List values. A Select List is a field type that allows users to select one or more options (e.g., dropdown menu).
- By Formula Range: Filter the table data by formula range (e.g., Low, Medium, High). A Formula uses numeric and variable values (e.g., select lists, numeric or date fields, or workflow states) to generate Incident Severity, Estimated Damage, or Incident Likelihood. Formulas are added to an Object Type through a Relationship or Reference.
- By Current Users: Filter the table data by user or user group. When one or more user groups are selected, only users within those roles can view the data in the table. This feature is useful in creating customized reports for specific users. The Object Types in the Table's data series determine the available roles.
- By Date and Time: Filter the table data by Date and Time range. All date-related options filter data in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). Resolver recommends a date parameter to refine large data sets for improved report performance. Options include:
- Today: Show data from today's date only.
- Last [X] Days: Show data within the last 30, 60, 90, or 180 days relative to today.
- Custom: Shows data within the dates selected in the From and To fields. The table will include objects up to the end of that date.
- By Created On/Modified On: Filter the table data by Created On/Modified On Date. All date-related options filter data in UTC. Resolver recommends a date parameter to refine large data sets for improved report performance. Options include:
- Today: Show data from today's date only.
- Last [X] Days: Show data within the last 30, 60, 90, or 180 days relative to today.
- Custom: Shows data within the dates selected in the From and To fields. The table will include objects up to the end of that date.
Define Parameter Fields
- Click the x icon next to a parameter to remove it from the data grid.
- Click a Date Parameter field and use the Backspace or Delete key to remove the value from the field.
- (Optional) Select the Mark all columns as read-only checkbox to mark all parameters columns as read-only on the data grid.
Show SUM Totals for all Numeric Columns Checkbox
- Click Done to close the Admin: Edit Data Grid screen.
Done Button
- When you are done adding elements and configuring your report, you must add it to a report view to make it available to end-users. See the Views Overview and Create a Report View articles for more information.