Creating a Session Token


Session tokens are required to authenticate an endpoint in order to receive the desired payload. you will receive a 403-authentication error, if an endpoint is not authenticated.

API Keys are the recommended method for endpoint authentication. For more information, refer to the Create an API Key article.

User Account Requirements

The user used to login must have Administrator permission to access Swagger Docs.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Locating an Org's ID article for further information on locating your org ID.


  1. From the Home screen, click the System icon.

System Icon

  1. From the Admin Overview screen, click the Swagger Docs tile under the Tools section.

Swagger Docs Tile

  1. From the Admin: Swagger screen, enter authenticate in the Search field.

Search Field

  1. Click the Authenticate endpoint.

Creating a Session Token

  1. From under the Authenticate endpoint, click POST /user/authenticate.


  1. Click the Example Value box to populate the template in the body text box.

Example Value

  1. Enter your login credentials (email and password) between the quotation marks (e.g., "23145") in the request body.
  2. Enter the org ID (selectedOrg), Org IDs can be obtained using your browser's dev tools. For further information, see the Locating an Org's ID article.

Request Body

  1. Click the Execute button to return one of the following responses:
    • 401 Unauthorized: The login credentials are incorrect.
    • 404 Not Found: The user is not an active member of any orgs.
    • 200 Success: The user was successfully authenticated.

    Execute Button

    1. If successful, copy the bearer token to your clipboard. This token is valid for 15 minutes and must be entered in the authorization header of each request.