User Groups Overview


A User Group organizes system users into specific groups based on their organizational role (e.g., Employee, Management, etc.). Adding users to a User Group allows an Administrator to assign multiple users within a User Group to a Role by assigning the User Group to a Role instead of manually assign a Role to each user. 

Roles control user permissions, what a user can do (create, edit, delete, etc.) and access within the system.

Any Roles a User Group has been added to will appear as links in the Roles section of the Edit User Group screen. 

You can review which User Groups a user has been added to from the User Group Membership section on the Edit User screen.

Edit User Group Navigation

You can access the Edit User Groups screen by clicking the Administration Icon in the top right-hand corner to open the Admin Overview screen and select the User Groups tile from the People section. On the User Groups screen, search for a User Group and click on the User Group Name to open the Edit User Groups screen.

Edit User Groups - Roles Section

You can also see which groups a user has been added to from the User Group Membership section on the Edit User screen.

Edit User Screen Navigation

You can access the Edit User screen by clicking the Administration Icon in the top right-hand corner to open the Admin Overview screen and select the Users tile from the People section. On the User screen, search for a User and click on the Username to open the Edit User screen.

Edit User - User Group Membership Section

Example: User Group Setup

Create two User Groups: name the first User Group Managers and the second User Group Employees. The Manager User Group can create incidents, triage, review and escalate incidents. The Employees User Group can create incidents. Next, create two roles Incident Creator Role (create an incident) and Incident Review Role (triage, review, and escalate incidents). Add the Employee and Manager User Groups to the Incident Creator Role and the Manger User Group to the Incident Reviewer Role.