Submitting an Issue for Review


After creating an issue for an Internal Audit Project's Control, a member of the Interna Audit Team must review the issue and add further information before the issue can be submitted for review.

User Account Requirements

The user account used to log into Resolver must be added to the Internal Audit Team user group.

Related Information/Setup

Please refer to the Creating a New Issue article for more information on how to add a new issue to an Internal Audit Project's Control.

Please refer to the Creating a New Corrective Action article for more information on creating a new corrective action for an issue.

Please refer to the Using an Existing Corrective Action on an Issue article for more information on using an existing corrective action for an issue.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Home dropdown and select the Portal link.

Home Dropdown

  1. From the Audits screen, click on the Issues tab.

Issues Tab

  1. From the Issues screen, click on an open issue from the My Issues section.

Open Issue

Submitting an Issue for Review

  1. From the Issues Details screen, review the following fields:
    • Description: A brief description outlining the issue.
    • Priority: The issues current priority:
      • Low
      • Medium
      • High
      • Urgent
    • Issue Owner: The user or user group that is responsible for the issue.
    • Issue Type: The type of Issue:
      • Documentation Issue
      • Control Design Issue
      • Control Operation Issue
      • Human Error
    • Due Date: The date the issue is due to be resolved. A date can be selected from the Calendar pop-up by clicking on a Date.
    • Issue Resolution Date: The date the issue is actually completed and resolved. This date will be added before the issue is completed and is selected from the Calendar pop-up by clicking on a Date.

Review the following Fields

  1. From the Manage Issue section review the following fields:
    • Date Identified: The date the issue was initially identified.
    • Recommendation: Outline a brief recommendation used to address the issue. The Recommendation field is a free form field.
    • Management Response: Management will enter a response to the issue and resolution in the Management Response field. User may see information in this field if an issue was sent for review and sent back to the owner requesting further information.
    • Supporting Attachments:
      • + Add File: Users can attach evidence to the issue by dragging and dropping an image in the Supporting Attachments field or clicking the + Add File link and selecting an image from the connected PC. The maximum size for Files is 100 MB. the following file types are not valid (.bat, .exe, .gif, .sh, .dll, or .com).
      • Add Link: Users can attach evidence to the issue by clicking on the Add Link link to attach a web link to the issue or click the Click to add a web link to a file link.
    • Identified By: The user or user group who initially identified the issue. Select the user group who initially identified the issue from the Identified By dropdown menu.

Manage Issue Section

  1. (Optional) Click the More icon on the uploaded file card to upload new version, rename, delete, or check version history.

More Icon

  1. From the Corrective Actions tab, click on a Unique ID on the Corrective Actions table to view the corrective action.

Corrective Action

  1. (Optional) Click the x icon next to a corrective action to remove the corrective action from the issue.

X Icon

  1. Add a corrective action to the issue by clicking one of the following links:
    • Add Existing Corrective Actions: Click the Add Existing Corrective Actions link to add an existing corrective action to the issue.
    • + Create New: Click the + Create New link to add a new corrective action to the issue.

Corrective Action Links

  1. Click the Related Data tab.

Related Data Tab

  1. From the Related Data tab, enter a control name in the Controls field and select a control from the dropdown menu to add the control to the issue.

Controls Dropdown Menu

  1. Enter a risk name in the Risks field and select a risk from the dropdown menu to add the risk to the issue.
  2. Enter a requirement name in the Requirements field and select a requirement from the dropdown menu to add the requirement to the issue.
  3. Enter a citation name in the Citations field and select a citation from the dropdown menu to add the citation to the issue.
  4. Enter a control name in the Third-Party Assessment field and select an assessment from the dropdown menu to add the assessment to the issue.
  5. Enter an alert name in the Alert field and select an alert from the dropdown menu to add the alert to the issue.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Submit for Review button to submit the issue for review.

Submit for Review Button