Submitting a Document Request


Users can request specific documents for their audits from an Audit Client. Audit Clients can be another user in the organization that we are auditing one of their process or controls.

User Account Requirements

The user account used to log into Resolver must be added to either the Internal Audit Leads or Internal Audit Managers user group.

Required Information/Setup

For further information on how to scope an Internal Audit Project, please refer to the Define the Scope of an Internal Audit Project article.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Home dropdown and select the Portal link.

Home Dropdown

  1. From the Audits screen, click on the Requests tab.

Requests Tab

  1. From the Requests screen, click on a document request from the My Requests section. 

Document Request

Sending a Document Request

  1. From the Document Request Details screen, review the fields under Step 1: Review Documentation Request, making sure to note the Description, Document Request Type, and Due Date fields. The Description field will tell you the required documentation information requested, the Document Request Type will indicate the document type requested, and the Due Date field will dictate the document request's due date.

Request Owner Field

  1. From Step 2: Add Attachments section Users can attach evidence to the issue by dragging and dropping an image in the Supporting Attachments field or clicking the + Add File link and selecting an image from the connected PC. The maximum size for Files is 100 MB. the following file types are not valid (.bat, .exe, .gif, .sh, .dll, or .com).

+ Add File Link

  1. Users can attach evidence to the issue by clicking on the Add Link link to attach a web link to the issue or click the Click to add a web link to a file link.

Add Link Link

  1. (Optional) Click the More icon on the uploaded file card to upload new version, rename, delete, or check version history.

More Icon

  1. Click on the Related Controls and Policies tab.

Related Controls and Policies Tab

  1. From the Related Controls and Polices tab, click on a control from the Control table to view more control details.


  1. Click on a policy from the Policy table to view more policy details.


  1. (Optional) 
  2. Click the Add Existing Policy link.

Add Existing Policy Link

  1. From the Add Existing Policy pop-up, select the Add link next to a policy to add an existing policy to the documentation request.

Add Existing Policy Pop-up

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Request pop-up and click the Send Request button to send to request to an Audit Client(s).

Send Request Button