Adding Form Elements to a Standard Form

Elements (e.g., fields, relationships, formulas.) can be added to a standard form by dragging and dropping them from the Form Elements palette and onto a form card and/or section. You can open and close the palette by clicking theicon in the top-right of the form canvas. Elements already added to the canvas will appear in the palette with green to the left of their names.

If needed, added elements can be marked as read-only to users viewing the form. This is done by hovering your cursor over the element in the canvas, then clicking Mark Read-Only. To make an element editable again, hover your cursor over the element and click Remove Read-Only.

Fields, relationships, references, formulas, and/or roles can only be added to a form after they've been added to the object type as components. Read more here: Object Types.
When creating forms for use in a repeatable form, note that only forms with supported elements will be displayed. See the Add Repeatable Forms to a Report article for a list of unsupported elements.

View an ExampleAdding, removing, and editing form elements on the canvas.