Right-Click Functions

Right-clicking various components in the Dispatches and Officers panel will allow you perform certain functions, such as dispatch an officer or organization, change the status of a task, or rearrange tasks. The table below summarizes the available right-click functions.

DISPATCHES PANELArrive AllChanges the status of all started officer or organization tasks within a selected dispatch to On Scene.Right-click the dispatch in the Dispatches panel > click Arrive All.
Clear AllChanges the status of all officer and organization tasks within a selected dispatch to Cleared.Right-click the dispatch in the Dispatches panel > click Clear All.
CloseCloses a Cleared or New dispatch with no outstanding tasks.Right-click the Cleared dispatch in the Dispatches panel click Close.
Dispatch OfficerDispatches an officer and assigns that officer to a non-specific task with a Respond and assist description.Right-click the dispatch in the Dispatches panel > hover your cursor over Dispatch Officer > click the name of the officer.
Dispatch OrganizationDispatches an organization and creates an organization task.Right-click the dispatch in the Dispatches panel hover your cursor over Dispatch Organization > click the name of the organization.
OFFICERS PANELArriveChanges an officer task status from On Route to On Scene.Click the  icon next to the officer in the Officers panel right-click the officer task click Arrive.
ClearChanges the officer task status from Unassigned, Assigned, On Route, or On Scene to Cleared.Click the  icon next to the office in the Officers panel right-click the officer task click Clear.
DownMoves an Assigned task down one row in the officer’s tasks.Click the  icon next to the officer in the Officers panel > right-click the officer task > click Down.
StartChanges an officer’s status from Assigned to On Route.Click the  icon in the Officers panel right-click the officer task click Start.
SuspendSuspends a started task and creates a duplicate task that is automatically assigned to the originally assigned officer.Click the  icon in the Officers panel right-click the officer task click Suspend.
UpMoves an Assigned task up one row in the officer’s tasks.Click  icon next to the officer in the Officers panel > right-click the officer task > click Up.
Off DutyTakes an officer off duty.Right-click the officer in the Officers panel > click Off Duty.
Reset AlertResets an officer’s clock to 0:00:00 in the Time Elapsed column.Right-click the officer in the Officers panel > click Reset Alert.
Set StateChanges the officer’s current status (e.g. Available, Busy, Break, etc.).Right-click the officer in the Officers panel > hover your cursor over Set State > click a status to select it.