Available Commands

ArriveAllDispatchThe dispatch that contains On Route or Responding (organization) tasks (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM).Changes the status of all On Route or Responding tasks in a selected dispatch to On Scene.
ArriveOfficerOnRouteOfficerThe name of the officer assigned to an On Route task (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).Changes the status of a selected task from On Route to On Scene.
AssignTaskDispatchThe dispatch that contains unassigned task and the location and description of the task (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM \ East Lab, Secure the scene).Assigns an officer to a selected Unassigned task.
OfficerThe officer who will be assigned to complete the task (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).
AvailableOfficerThe on duty officer you wish to set as Available (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).Changes an officer’s status to Available.
BusyBusy StateThe busy status you want to apply to an officer (e.g. Coffee break).Changes an officer’s status to a busy state.
OfficerThe officer you want to apply the busy status to (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).
ClearAllDispatchThe dispatch that contains the tasks you wish to clear (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM).Changes the status of all tasks within the selected dispatch to Cleared.
ClearOfficerOnSceneOfficerThe officer with an On Scene status whom you wish to clear (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).Changes an officer’s status on a task from On Scene to Cleared.
CloseDispatchThe dispatch you want to close (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM”).Closes a dispatch and sends it to Command Center as an activity.
NotesOptional: Notes you want to add to the closed dispatch record. After typing a note, you must close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).
PerspectiveUserOptional: The user who will appear as the Activity Owner in Command Center once the dispatch is closed (e.g. “Pruitt, Nancy”).
ReportYesNoOptional: Indicates whether or not a follow-up report or assignment is required. If this parameter is not completed in the command, No will be selected by default. If Yes is selected, the activity will be created in Command Center with an Open - Follow Up Required status.
FocusDispatchThe dispatch you want to highlight in the Dispatches panel (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM).Focuses on a dispatch or officer. This command is not available if you’ve switched operational zones but did not reset the layout.
OfficerThe officer you want to highlight in the Officers panel (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).
NewDispatchCallCategoryCodeThe activity type abbreviation. Your Command Center administrator can provide you with a list of available call category codes.Creates a new dispatch.
DescriptionOptional: A description of the new dispatch. After typing a description, you must close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).
InitialNoteOptional: Information or notes that will appear as the first message in the dispatch-related conversation. After typing a note, you must close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).
LocationWhere the dispatch is occurring. If you select a location with indoor location points, you can continue to select those indoor locations (e.g. East Office\First Floor\Boardroom). If needed, close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).
PriorityThe level of importance/urgency of the dispatch (e.g. High)
WorkzoneThe work zone where the dispatch is occurring (e.g. Cafeteria).
NewTaskDispatchThe dispatch for which you want to create a task (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM).Creates a new task on a selected dispatch.
DescriptionOptional: A description of the task. After typing a description, you must close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“). If you do not enter a description, the task will be assigned a Respond and assist description by default.
LocationOptional: Where the task will be completed. If you select a location with indoor location points, you can continue to select those indoor locations (e.g. East Office\First Floor\Boardroom). If needed, close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“). If you do not select a location, the task will be assigned the same location as the dispatch.
OfficerOptional: The officer who will complete the task (e.g. Feldman, Joseph). If you do not assign an officer to the task, it will appear as Unassigned.
NewTemplateDispatchDescriptionOptional: A description of the new dispatch. After typing the description, you must close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).Creates a new dispatch from a template.
InitialNoteOptional: Information or notes that will appear as the first message in the dispatch-related conversation. After typing an initial note, you must close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).
LocationWhere the dispatch is occurring. If you select a location with indoor location points, you may continue selecting those indoor locations (e.g. East Office\First Floor\Boardroom). If needed, close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).
TemplateThe template you wish to use. If needed, your Dispatch administrator can provide you with the names of saved templates.
WorkzoneThe work zone where the dispatch is occurring (e.g. Cafeteria).
OffDutyOfficerOfficerThe on duty officer you want to take off duty (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).Takes a selected officer off duty. 
OnDutyOfficerCallSignThe call sign you want to assign the officer (e.g. A11).Brings a selected officer on duty.
OffDutyOfficerThe off duty officer you want to bring on duty (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).
TeamThe team you want to assign the officer (e.g. CAF Team).
OrgArriveDispatchThe dispatch with Responding organization tasks and the name of the responding organization (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM, Police).Changes an organization’s task status from Responding to On Scene.
OrgAssignAvailableOrganizationThe organization you want to dispatch (e.g. East Campus Police).Dispatches an organization.
DispatchThe dispatch you want to dispatch the organization to (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM).
OrgClearDispatchThe dispatch with Responding organization tasks and the name of the responding organization (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM, Police).Changes an organization’s task status from Responding to No Response.
SendDispatchThe dispatch-related conversation you with to send a message to (e.g. LAB3 2016-07-19 12:56:56 PM).Sends a message to the participants of a dispatch-related conversation.
MessageYour new message. After typing a message, you must close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“).
SetLocationLocationThe last known location of the officer. If you select a location with indoor location points, you may continue selecting those indoor locations (e.g. East Office\First Floor\Boardroom). If needed, close the value with one set of double quotation marks (“). (e.g. East Office\First Floor\Boardroom).Sets an officer’s Last Known Location.
OfficerThe on duty officer whose location you want to set (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).
StartOfficerAssignedOfficerThe assigned officer whose status you wish to change to On Route (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).Changes an assigned officer’s status on a task from Assigned to On Route.
SuspendTaskOfficerThe officer assigned to the started task you wish to suspend (e.g. Feldman, Joseph).Suspends a started officer task.
SwitchOperationalZoneAccessibleOperational ZonesThe zone you wish to switch to. Note that you can only select zones that you have been granted access to by an administrator (e.g. South Campus).Switches your operational zone. Any commands entered will be applied to your recently selected zone, however, the panels will continue to show the previous zone and you will not be able to use the Focus command until the layout has been reset.