
Retrieve object type details, as well as create, modify, or delete object types.

 GET  /object/objectType

Retrieves a list of all the object types in the org, along with their external reference IDs and internal IDs.

Curl Request
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idquerystringThe internal ID of the specific object type you want retrieve, if any. Leaving this field blank will retrieve all object types in the org.No
Example Response Body
      "id": 4198,
      "name": "Incident Type",
      "pluralName": "Incident Types",
      "description": "",
      "monogram": "IT",
      "nameKey": "app:objectType:name:989fb792-4483-486d-a521-9c7ef22f906c",
      "descriptionKey": "app:objectType:description:709504f2-b2ca-4ea4-b9bd-d8afa7226b00",
      "pluralNameKey": "app:objectType:pluralName:d81eae66-8b4a-45b0-a3e1-91b541f44012",
      "monogramKey": "app:objectType:monogram:004b4b8e-d039-4481-af44-98ff2ea16294",
      "color": "#2f6ccb",
      "objectLifeCycleId": 4934,
      "externalRefId": "IncidentType",
      "created": "2017-11-29T21:23:16.057Z",
      "modified": "2019-01-25T16:24:40.300Z",
      "nextElement": 34,
      "org": 46,
      "assessment": false,
      "anchor": null,
      "anchorRelationship": null,
      "dataDefinitionId": null
Success Response

200 OK

 POST  /object/objectType

Creates a new object type.

Curl Request
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' -d '{  "name": "New Object Type",  "monogram": "NOT" }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
namebodystringThe name of the object type.Yes
monogrambodystringThe one to three letter monogram of the object type.Yes
colorbodystringThe color of the object type monogram.No
descriptionbodystringThe description of the object type.No
pluralNamebodystringThe plural name of the object type.No
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the object type.No
assessmentbodybooleanIf true, creates an assessment object type.No
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "monogram": "string",
  "color": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "pluralName": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "assessment": false
Example Response
  "id": 15739
Success Response

200 OK

 PUT  /object/objectType/{id}

Updates an existing object type.

Curl Request
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' -d '{  "name": "OBT" }' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/15739'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idpathdoubleThe internal ID of the specific object type you want to modify.
externalRefIdpathstringThe external reference ID of the object type you want to modify.
namebodystringThe name of the object type.No
monogrambodystringThe one to three letter monogram of the object type.No
colorbodystringThe color of the object type monogram.No
descriptionbodystringThe description of the object type.No
pluralNamebodystringThe plural name of the object type.No
externalRefIdbodystringThe external reference ID of the object type.No
assessmentbodybooleanIf true, creates an assessment object type.No
Example Body Parameter
  "name": "string",
  "monogram": "string",
  "color": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "pluralName": "string",
  "externalRefId": "string",
  "assessment": false
Success Response

204 No Content

 DELETE  /object/objectType/{id}

Deletes an object type. 

Curl Request
curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 'https://YOUR_ENVIRONMENT.resolver.com/object/objectType/15739'
NameParameter TypeData TypeDescriptionRequired
idpathdoubleThe internal ID of the specific object type you want to delete.Yes
Success Response

204 No Content