New Articles

  1. Deleting a Report

    Overview Administrators can delete a report. You cannot edit or remove the data definitions saved to a report without deleting the report, then recreating it. Deleting a report will also delete any filters, parameters, and elements added to i...
  2. Editing a Data Analytics Export Report

    Overview An Administrator or Data Management advanced permissions user can edit an existing Data Analytics Export report. User Account Requirements The user account used to log into Resolver must have Administrator permis...
  3. Troubleshoot Bulk Assessment Issues

    Overview Users may encounter some errors when attempting to launch bulk assessments. Below is a table listing the most common bulk assessments errors with solutions. Related Information/Setup For more information on launching bulk assessme...
  4. Unpublishing a Dashboard Data Set

    Overview Administrators can unpublish a Dashboard Data Set if it is no longer in use. By default, the maximum number of Dashboard Data Sets you can have Published is 10, so users may need to unpublish a Dashboard Data Set to publish a new Dash...
  5. Edit a User as an Advanced Permissions User

    Overview From the Edit User screen, a User Management  or Settings Management advanced permission user can edit a user's information and add the user to user groups and roles. Note: If you are an Administrator editing a us...
  6. Create a New User as an Advanced Permissions User

    Overview Every individual you want to access your Resolver environment requires a user account. A user with the User Management or Settings Management advanced permissions can create user accounts in Resolver. When a user account ...
  7. Advanced Permission Types

    Overview Administrators can grant Standard users limited access to use some Administrator features by assigning them advanced permissions.  The three types of advanced permissions are: Data Management Settings M...
  8. Reassigning Data

    Overview Administrators can reassign multiple objects at a time from one user to another user with the same role by importing a spreadsheet with all the necessary information into Resolver.  User Account Requirements  The user must have A...
  9. Release 24.3.1

    24.3.1 Features Playbooks Automation Note: Playbooks Automation is a paid feature. It can be implemented as an add-on to any existing application. If you're interested in this feature and would like to know more, please con...
  10. Launching Bulk Assessments

    Overview Bulk assessment launch will enable users to launch multiple assessments of the same type and scope by importing a template via an Excel file.  User Account Requirements Users must have the Bulk Create permission...