New Articles

  1. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (IT Compliance Management)

    Improvements The following email templates for the IT Compliance Assessment Workflow were reconfigured: ITMC – 1 – Citation awaits Internal Review Reminder ITMC – 2a – IT Control Owner Assignment Notification ITMC &nda...
  2. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (IT Risk Management)

    Improvements The IT Risk Team can use the Return to IT Risk Owner button on an IT Risk Assessment to move the Risk to the Risk Assessment State, which will send an email Review notification to the IT Risk Owner. We removed or replaced the word ...
  3. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (Risk Management)

    Improvements Ovals were enabled for Formulas on the Third-Party Assessment – Third-Party Contact – Consolidation form. The GRC – 3 -Assign Control Owner email template for the Control Self Assessment Workflow was reconfigured. ...
  4. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (Internal Audit Management)

    Improvements Ovals were enabled for Formulas on the Third-Party Assessment – Third-Party Contact – Consolidation form. We redesigned the Test – GRC – 1 – Create Form by: Form sections separate by Card. Increased th...
  5. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (Compliance Management)

    Improvements Ovals were enabled for Formulas on the Third-Party Assessment – Third-Party Contact – Consolidation form. The CM – 1 – Start Compliance Assessment email template for the Compliance Assessment Workflow was reco...
  6. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (Internal Controls Management)

    Dashboards Our new Dashboard feature can be scheduled for enablement for the initial launch phase. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to schedule implementation with our Services team. Enabling Dashboards Resolver's Dashboard fe...
  7. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (Vendor Risk Management/Third-Party Risk Management)

    Improvements The VRM (Vendor Risk Management) App was rebranded to TPRM (Third-Party Risk Management). Ovals were enabled for Formulas on the Third-Party Assessment – Third-Party Contact – Consolidation form. The following email Work...
  8. Exporting Data Management Audit Trail Records

    Overview An Administrator can export Data Management Audit Trail records, creating a .zip folder in the Downloads folder on the connected PC.  User Account Requirements The user account you use to log into Resolver must have Administrat...
  9. Version Release Notes

    Release Business Continuity Plans (BCP) Improvements When creating a new corrective action, the Business Continuity Team will be redirected to a new form called Corrective Action – Create.
  10. Version 23.2 Release Notes (Dispatch)

    Warning: IP Whitelisting: With the 23.2 release, the website that hosts the Dispatch client has changed to use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) for improved availability and performance. As a result of this change, the Dispatch ...