Creating a Financial Statement Account


Users can create a Financial Statement Account record within the system through the Library section, in order to manually add new financial statement accounts to the system for use within the Internal Controls Management application. User can also add multiple financial statement accounts by using either the data import feature or integration feature.

User Account Requirements

The user account used to log into Resolver must be added to the Internal Controls Team user group.


  1. From the Home screen, click the Home dropdown menu.

Home Dropdown Menu

  1. From the Home dropdown menu, click the Library link.

Library Link

  1. From the Org Structure screen, click the Financial Statement Accounts tab.

Financial Statement Accounts Tab

Creating a Financial Statement Account

  1. From the Financial Statement Accounts screen, click the + Create Financial Statement Account button.

+ Create Financial Statement Account Button

  1. From the Create a New Financial Statement Account screen, enter the account name in the Financial Statement Account Name field.

Financial Statement Account Name Field

  1. Enter a brief description outlining the financial statement account in the Description field.

Description Field

  1. Enter a company name in the Company field and select a company from the dropdown menu.

Company Dropdown Menu

  1. Enter the financial statement account's general ledger account number in the GL Account Number field.

GL Account Number

  1. Enter the financial statement account's current balance in the Account Balance field.

Account Balance Field

  1. Click the Create button to add the financial statement account record to the system for use with the Internal Controls Management application.

Create Button