New Articles

  1. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (Internal Audit Management)

    Improvements Fixed a typo in the IA – Issues Review email template within the Internal Audits application. Colored cells in the Control – IA – Testing Working Paper form has been changed to ovals. We rearranged the view order i...
  2. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (IT Risk Management)

    Release 23.2ab (IT Risk Management) Improvements Email templates have been configured to reflect the specific situation and action required by the user receiving the email. Colored cells in ITRM Reports have been changed to ovals. ITRM&CM -...
  3. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (IT Compliance Management)

    Release 23.2ab (IT Compliance Management) Improvements Email templates have been configured to reflect the specific situation and action required by the user receiving the email. Colored cells in ITMC Reports have been changed to ovals. ITCM - ...
  4. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (Compliance Management)

    Release 23.2ab (Compliance Management) Improvements The Requirement Detail Count section on Requirements forms will be hidden if the value equals 0. When creating a new corrective action, Alert Owners are redirected to a new form called Correc...
  5. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (Vendor Risk Management)

    Improvements We fixed a typo in the Send Vendor Questionnaire email template within Vendor Risk Management. Vendor Criticality was added to the Vendor Assessment Planning step, allowing users to determine the criticality of a vendor. We removed ...
  6. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (Security Risk Management)

    Release 23.3ab Release Notes (SRM) Improvements We reformed and redesigned the following forms within the Security Relationship Management application: Country - SRM - Active Risk - SRM - Edit LA - SRM - Monitor new Question - SRM - Fieldwork...
  7. Version 23.3ab Release Notes (WAVR)

    Release 23.3ab (WAVR) Improvements We fixed a typo in the Person Assessment – WAVR-21-x- Grid and Person Assessment Entry – WARV21 02 – Add/Edit form within the WAVR application. The Case Metrics report will now appear in the...
  8. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (Command Center)

    Improvements We removed the CC – Officer Response by Activity Type report from the Command Center application and base app. The Command Center Administrator role now has Company read access and access to the Closed Activity report. The Re...
  9. Version 23.2ab Release Notes (Incident Management)

    Release 23.2ab (Incident Management) Improvements The data parameter on the IM – Closed and Legal Hold Incidents report was replaced by the Incident Reported Date/Time field. The Incident Reported Date/Time field is required. Timed Tri...
  10. Dashboard Quick Start Guide

    Overview Before using the Dashboards feature to create charts and Dashboards, it is recommended that users carefully read through the following information. The information presented below is laid out in order, as some elements of the Dashboard fea...