New Articles

  1. Important Info About This Guide

    This guide covers the out-of-the-box components and processes for Command Center end-users based on your user group(s) , which control the data you can view, create, and edit. This guide does not include information for administrators or detailed...
  2. Additional Reading

    × This article is for internal use only. Temporal Data Warehouse Intro (Phase One) Data Warehouse (for developers) ...
  3. Enable the Data Warehouse

    × This article is for internal use only. By default, all new orgs created after 2.7 have a temporal warehouse, but they cannot be accessed unless a super admin enables the feature via Swagger.  To enable it via the org  call, enter true  val...
  4. Password Requirements

    Learn about the password requirements for Resolver Command Center.
  5. Add a User to a User Group

    Overview User groups control the data users and system applications a user can access. Assigning a user to a user group allows the user access to the data connected to the user group. If your organization is using Lightweight Dir...
  6. Edit a User's Account

    Important Notes Because a user’s email address is used to authenticate the user when they log in, modifying the email address previously saved in the Email  field will not change the address the user must enter to log in. To delete a Dispatch us...
  7. Disable or Delete a User

    If a user should no longer have access to your organization, you have the option of disabling that user's account or deleting; however, it's generally recommended that user accounts are disabled rather than deleted. Deleting a user account prevents...
  8. Data Warehouse Overview

    x This Article is for Internal Use Only x The T emporal Data Warehouse  ( D ata Warehouse  or DWH  for short) is a separate database in Resolver that stores versions of objects (temporal instances) each time an object is changed. Th...
  9. Create a New Dispatch User

    Dispatch users are users who can access the Dispatch application through Command Center. To grant access, a Command Center user account must be created for each Dispatch user, in addition to a Person object. To create a Dispatch user: Log into an...
  10. Create a New Command Center User

    If you're creating users who will need access to Dispatch, a new user account must be created in conjunction with some additional configurations after the account is created. See the Create a New Dispatch User article for more information. ...