New Articles

  1. Tasks

    Learn how to use the tasks tab of an open activity.
  2. Restricted Attachment File Types

    A list of file types that cannot be attached to a form.
  3. Attachments

    Learn how to use the attachments tab of an open activity.
  4. Responses & Requests

    The Responses  tab on the activity form contains information about officer and organization responses. If the activity was created from a closed dispatch, any organization or officer responses are recorded in this tab. The Requests  tab records an...
  5. Basic Activity Details

    Learn how to view and edit the basic details of each activity.
  6. General

    Learn about the general tab of an open activity.
  7. View or Create a Service Request

    Service requests are created to track tasks an outside organization must complete, such as maintenance or security assistance. You can create new service requests from the Service Requests  tab, as well view and edit any open requests made from the...
  8. Review & Edit an Open Activity

    How to open activities and review their fields.
  9. Create a New Activity

    Activities are created in Command Center by activity owners, portal users, or officers. They can also be created via the Dispatch application when a dispatch is closed. Dispatches are moved to Command Center in a Closed state unless the dispatcher...
  10. Version 2.8 Release Notes

    Release notes for the Resolver Core 2.8 release with a summary of new features and bug fixes.