New Articles

  1. Adding a New Document Request to an Internal Audit Project

    Overview Users can request specific documents for their audits from an Audit Client. Audit Clients can be another user in the organization that we are auditing one of their process or controls. User Account Requirements ...
  2. Adding an Existing Document Request to an Internal Audit Project

    Overview Users can use an existing document request to a control. User Account Requirements The user account used to log into Resolver must be added to either the Internal Audit Leads or Internal Audit Managers user group. Required Informa...
  3. Version 24.1ab (Security Risk Management)

    Improvements: A new Security Risk assessment model was added to the application, which includes the following changes: Subjective assessments  Score-based audits Conditional question functionality Multiple question types Changes to obj...
  4. Version 24.1ab (Internal Audit Management)

    Improvements: The following forms were improved based on Product and Design team best practices, updating the header, and organizing tabs, cards, and sidebars, improving app consistency and the user experience. Audit Plan Auditable Entity Pro...
  5. Version 24.1ab (Internal Controls)

    Improvements: The following forms were improved based on Product and Design team best practices, updating the header, and organizing tabs, cards, and sidebars, improving app consistency and the user experience. Process Sub Process Control Te...
  6. Version 24.1ab (Compliance Management)

    Improvements: A Custom option was added to the Content Source field, allowing customers to add custom frameworks with specific configuration set up.  ...
  7. Version 24.1ab (Risk Management)

    Improvements: RM Heatmaps were updated, including a more focused color palette, and switching X and Y-axis (X = Inherent Risk Score and Y = Control Effectiveness) improving the user experience. 
  8. Moving an Internal Audit Project to Planning

    Overview After the Internal Audit Project scope has been defined, the Internal Audit Project can be moved to the planning stage. User Account Requirements The user account used to log into Resolver must be added to the Internal Audit Team ...
  9. What is App Lockdown?

    App Lockdown App Lockdown is a change control process used to ensure production system integrity is maintained for the duration of your project. We create a copy of the existing Production environment and add it to a separate Sandbox e...
  10. Version 24.2 Release (Dispatch)

    New Features Dispatches can be created with Locations on the Fly or Using Global Address Search We have implemented a feature that enables dispatching to any point selected on a map or entered address. Dispatchers can utilize this functionalit...