New Articles

  1. Viewing Historical Report Data

    Overview When the Point in Time Reporting feature is enabled, users can view a report's historical data based on a selected date. This feature makes it possible for users with continuous assessments to view the status of assessments from ...
  2. Creating a New Test

    Overview A Member of the Internal Audit Team will review an Internal Audit Project and add a new test to a control, determining the control's effectiveness. Related Information/Setup Please refer to the Sending an Internal Audi...
  3. Adding an Existing Test, Document Request, Policy, Corrective Action, or Issue to a Control

    Overview Users can add an existing Test, Document Request, Policy, Corrective Action, or Issue to a control instead of creating a new one. Navigation From the  Home screen, click the Home dropdown and select th...
  4. Returning a Document Request Form

    Overview When a document request is sent to an Audit Client, the Audit Client must fill out the request form and return it to the requestor. An Audit Client will find the document request on their My Tasks list on their Home scree...
  5. Sending a Document Request

    Overview Users can request specific documents for their audits from an Audit Client. Audit Clients can be another user in the organization that we are auditing one of their process or controls. User Account Requirements The user account used...
  6. Viewing an Audit Plan and Status Summary Report

    Overview The Audit Plan and Status Summary report gives a user insight into an Audit Plan and its attached Internal Audit Projects including Internal Audit Project statuses, access to individual Internal Audit Projects, and Audit Plan budget st...
  7. Viewing an Audit's Fieldwork Dashboard

    Overview Users can view an Audit's Fieldwork in a dashboard view, allowing the user to see the Audit tests status, test findings, document requirements, and review/update tests using charts and tables. User Account Require...
  8. Assessing Risk Management Output for an Internal Audit Project

    Overview To check which risks should be included in the internal audit plan, click the desired organization in the Risk Management Output for Internal Audit section. Doing so will display a heat map that measures a risk's inherent risk sc...
  9. Sending Document Requests to Audit Clients

    Overview Users can request specific documents for their audits from an Audit Client. Audit Clients can be another user in the organization that we are auditing one of their process or controls. All document requests not sent to Audit Clients be...
  10. Moving an Internal Audit Project to Fieldwork

    Overview Before moving the audit plan to the Fieldwork state, you must fill out the Define & Review Audit Scope and Document Requests sections. User Account Requirements The user account used to log into Resolver must be added to ...