New Articles

  1. Creating a Login Statement

    Overview Administrators can add a custom statement that appears when a user logs into the system. Custom statements can also have a frequency which controls when a statement will appear. The Custom Login Statement is organization specific. I...
  2. Creating a Duplicate Data Visualization Report

    Overview Administrators and Data Management advanced permissions users can create a copy of a Data Visualization Report by clicking the Copy Report icon on the Admin: Edit Report screen. The Copy Report icon allows user...
  3. Disabling/Enabling the Report Export Feature

    Overview Administrators can disable the Exports feature for a report. Disabling this feature will remove the Word, Excel, PDF export icons within a report. By default, this feature is enabled, allowing users to export reports using th...
  4. Service Level Targets - Premium Support

    Overview Our service level targets are set to provide a framework for service expectations. Resolver's Premium Support targets are intended to deliver optimal responsiveness an effort, factoring in the severity of the issue.  The problem's sever...
  5. Version 24.1 Release (Dispatch)

    New Features Connect The connect service was further improved by developing vendor-certified (Softwarehouse ® ) C-CURE connectors compatible with versions 2.7 and 2.9. Following the 24.1 release, we will deploy the new connector versi...
  6. Locating an Org's ID

    Overview An Organization's ID is used to execute multiple Swagger endpoints. Navigation Navigate to a browser, either Chrome™ or Edge®. Log into the Resolver application. From the Home  screen, click the F12 key on the connected keyb...
  7. Merging Duplicate Objects

    Overview The merge duplicate objects feature allows users to merge two objects (a main object and a duplicate object), updating the main object (e.g., merging duplicate user profiles to create one user profile). When merging the two objects, the ...
  8. Enabling Merge Object Permissions on an Object Type

    Overview The merge duplicate object feature allows users to merge two objects (a main object and a duplicate object), updating the main object (e.g., Merging duplicate user profiles to create one user profile). When merging the two objects, the...
  9. View a Report

    Overview Before a report can be viewed, an administrator must create and add it to a view in an application. Some Report filters rely on the current user's time zone. Some users from different time zones may see different data in the sa...
  10. View a Report

    Overview Before a report can be viewed, an administrator must create and add it to a view in an application. Some Report filters rely on the current user's time zone. Some users from different time zones may see different data in the sa...