Month 2: Get cozy with your data

After two months, you might be tempted to start pushing the envelope.

Your users have logged in, they’ve been entering data, and they’re getting comfortable using Resolver regularly. Now it’s time to turn your attention to the critical insights you can draw from Resolver, and what they mean to your organization.

We recommend running reports, looking at the data, and asking yourself: 

  • Am I capturing the right information to report to Executives? Or Board? 
  • What else could we look at?
  • Do I need additional fields or graphs within these reports to really tell the story about the data we are capturing
  • Now that we have this data, do we need additional reports to drill into the data?
  • What conclusions can we draw from the data? What are we learning from this data that we didn’t know before?  

Don’t forget: If you need help updating reports, our Customer Success Community is here to help. Here are some articles other customers have found useful: