New Articles

  1. Version 23.1ab Release Notes (IT Risk Management)

    Release 23.1ab (IT Risk Management) New Application The new Threat Protection app and collateral were added to App Base. Improvements We have consolidated all IT Risk Management Assessment Forms, creating a clean UI (User Interface). We ha...
  2. Version 23.1ab Release Notes (IT Compliance Management)

    Release 23.1ab (IT Compliance Management) New Application The new Threat Protection app and collateral were added to App Base. Improvements We created a single Form for Library and Assessment Versions of the authority document. We created ...
  3. Version 23.1ab Release Notes (Incident Management)

    Release 23.1ab (Incident Management) New Application The new Threat Protection app and collateral were added to App Base. CorpSec Administrators Access to Vehicle Objects CorpSec Administrators will have access to the following Vehicle Obje...
  4. Version 23.1ab Release Notes (Vendor Risk Management)

    New Application The new Threat Protection app and collateral were added to App Base. Kroll Vendor Risk Questionnaire Implemented the Kroll Vendor Security Risk questionnaire into the Vendor Risk Management application. Improvements Inclu...
  5. Adding Tooltips to a Chart

    Overview Users can create Tooltips that appear as a pop-up when they hover their cursor over a Chart data point. By default, the Tooltip pop-up displays the same data used to generate each data point in the Chart. If the data point value for a ...
  6. Chart Screen Elements Overview

    Overview The Chart screen Elements article displays the location and provides a basic description of the elements that appear on the Charts screen. Warning: All changes or edits made to a Chart are globally appli...
  7. Editing/Formatting a Category or Value

    Overview The Column Shelf shows which Categories and Values are in use within the Chart. The Column Shelf also allows the user to edit and format the way the Categories and Values function within the Chart. The number of Categories ...
  8. Supported Language Translations

    Overview The Languages  feature allows you to customize the language of the text in Resolver’s user interfaces (e.g., applications, fields, object types, etc.) from the Administrator settings menu. By downloading a languages .csv fil...
  9. Logging Out of Internal Audit Management

    Overview By default, and depending on your Org's setting, a user will receive a system prompt to refresh the session after 15 minutes of inactivity. If the user does not refresh the session five minutes after receiving the system prompt, they wil...
  10. Logging Out of Security Risk Management

    Overview By default, and depending on your Org's setting, a user will receive a system prompt to refresh the session after 15 minutes of inactivity. If the user does not refresh the session five minutes after receiving the system prompt, they wil...