Version 23.2 + Internal Release Notes

This article and its embedded links are for internal use only. External release notes are posted 

23.2.1 Minor Features

Submitter Property Enhancements V2

Behavior Changes were made to the Submitter Property, ensuring consistency across Applications.

If the user is confidential, the word Confidential will replace the Submitter's Name and Email.


Additional configuration options have been added, allowing for great flexibility and creating a better customer-centric experience.

Impacted Areas:

An Administrator can add Submitter Name and Email fields to an Email Template's subject line or body, Concatenation's name and description, and the Pull Date Values Workflow action. Please refer to the following articles for more information on the Submitter Property Enhancements, Add Concatenation to an Object Type, Email Template Variables, and Pull Data Values Action.

Currency Format for Numeric Fields

An Administrator can apply currency formatting to a Numeric field for use on forms that format numerical values using the Currency type selected upon field creation (Create a New Field screen). 

The following Currency types are available:

  • Dollars
    • Australia (AUD)
    • Canadian (CAD)
    • Hong Kong (HK)
    • New Zealand (NZD)
    • United States (USD)
  • Euros (EUR)
  • Pounds (GBP)
  • Swiss Francs (CHF)
  • Japanese Yen (JPY)
  • Chinese Yuan (CNY)


Currency information can now be tracked on forms (Input Text, Tables, and PDF) and various system reports (Tables, Repeatable Tables, Pie Charts, and Data Grids), making it easier for users that deal with multiple currency types. when collecting financial information.

Impacted Areas:

The following features were added to the Create a Field/Edit a Field screen:

  • A new Currency option was added to the Numeric field.
  • A new Currency dropdown field.

Please refer to the following articles for more information on Creating a Numeric Currency Field.

European Date & Time Formats

Three European Date & Time Formats were added to the system. These Formats are accessible when an Administrator is creating/editing a Date & Time field under the Date & Time Format dropdown menu on the Admin: Create a Field/Edit a Field screens. 

European Formats:

  • DD.MM.YYYY (e.g., 30.04.2023)
  • 24-Hour Time Format:
    • DD.MM.YYYY H:mm (e.g., 30.04.2023 16:02)
    • DD/MM/YYYY H:mm (e.g., 30/04/2023 16:02)

Users must enter the date & time using the format selected from the 
Date & Time Format dropdown menu (e.g., Month d, yyyy  h:mm = June 8, 2023 5:00 pm). 

Each Data & Time Format is in a Format Group, when a user enters a Date & Time Format they must use a Format from the Format Group. The Format Group is determined by the Data & Time Format configured on the Admin: Create a Field/Edit a Field screen.

  • Format Group 1 (Year, Month, Day):
    • YYYY-MM-DD
    • YYYY-MM-DD H:mm
  • Format Group 2 (Month, Day, Year):
    • MM/DD/YYYY
    • MMMM D, YYYY
    • MMMM D, YYYY H:mm
  • Format Group 3 (Day, Month, Year):
    • DD/MM/YYYY
    • DD-MM-YYYY
    • DD.MM.YYYY
    • DD/MM/YYYY H:mm
    • DD-MM-YYYY H:mm
    • DD.MM.YYYY H:mm


Allows users in European countries to use the proper date & time format within the system.

Impacted Areas:

The following features were added to the Admin: Create a Field/Edit a Field screen:

  • Three new options added to the Date & Time Format dropdown menu.

Please refer to the following articles for more information on Creating a new Date & Time Field.

Named References included in Relationship & Reference Tables

Columns on Relationship & Reference Tables will now include Named References.   


Including Named References in the table gives users a complete understanding of the data.

Impacted Areas:

Relationship & Reference Tables

Roles included in Relationship & Reference Tables 

Columns on Relationship & Reference Tables will now include Roles.


Including Roles in the table gives users to have a more complete understanding of the data.

Impacted Areas:

Relationship & Reference Tables

External Reference ID Updates

External Reference IDs can now be updated in bulk using the Activity Object Type Template within the Data Imports feature.


Allows Administrators to update External Reference IDs in bulk.

Impacted Areas:

A new column (Update External Ref ID) was added to the Data Import - Activity Object Type Template.

Hide the Dynamic Paging Element When There is Only One

The page number at the bottom of a results list on the Data Audit Trial and Activity View will not appear when only one data page is returned.


Reduces wasted screen white space, increasing the ease of user navigation.

Impacted Areas:

Data Audit Trail and Activity View

New Org Membership Email Improvements

We have added the following improvements to the New Org Membership Email:

  • Only Active users will receive the Org Membership email.
  • Inactive users will be flagged and receive the email when they become active.
  • A new column was added to the Org User Membership table, which tracks if the email was sent.


The new improvements will help to create a seamless onboarding experience.

Impacted Areas:

New Org Membership Email

Added 14 Additional Languages for Confidential Translations 

Support was added for an additional 14 language translations on the Privacy Policy screen, Two-way Email pop-up, Missed button, and Label text:

  • Catalan
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Mandarin
  • Cantonese
  • Malay
  • Dutch
  • Ukrainian
  • Polish
  • Hungarian
  • Vietnamese
  • Hindi
  • Marathi
  • Japanese
  • Russian


Adds more language support to the Privacy Policy screen, Two-way Email pop-up, Missed button, and Label text.

Impacted Areas:

The Privacy Policy screen, Two-way Email pop-up, Missed button, and Label text

Added New Columns to the User List Export (Export As CSV)

We Added Admin Access, All Access, and SSO Access columns to the User List Export. These new columns will indicate whether users have these options enabled (Yes) or disabled (No) on their profile.


Allows Administrators to view what access a user currently has in the system.

Impacted Areas:

User List Export CSV File


General Improvements:

  • We now support exporting data grids to Excel with parity, providing a more consistent experience and ensuring all data within the data grid is exported.
  • Outbound emails will be throttled (bandwidth decreased) by the Email Service to prevent memory spikes that can potentially crash the service.
  • The Submitter Property Name and Email information will now appear on repeatable forms when exported to PDF.
  • The Submitter Property Name and Email value no longer appear Greyed Out.
  • The Created By field value will say Confidential on the Internal Audit Trail screen if a Confidential user creates the Object.
  • Resolver supports three additional languages Cantonese, Malay, and Marathi.
  • We improved the test coverage for the Update function within JavaScript Workflow (object/controllers/lifecycle/objectLifeCycleTriggerController.js).
  • We Added migration to add missing indexes causing timeouts during scorched earth imports.
  • We added a second validation layer to Superadmin cross-org endpoints susceptible to human error, which involved adding the orgNameLowercase and orgNameUppercase fields to the endpoints in Swagger™. The new fields are validated against the Org's Name stored in the database when submitting a request, with the following results:
    • Does not match: The request fails if the values in the orgNameLowercase and orgNameUppercase fields do not match the orgID field value. 
    • Information Missing: The request fails if values in one of the three fields orgId, orgNameLowercase, orgNameUppercase are missing.
    • Matches: The request is processed if the value entered in the orgNameLowercase and orgNameUppercase fields matches the orgID field value.
    • Numerical Org IDs: Numerical Org IDs must be enclosed using double quotes (e.g., ""12345"" or ""100.47236"").
    • Unicode Character Sets: Unicode Character sets that do not use upper/lower case distinction (e.g., Chinese) must enter the Org Name value the same in both the orgNameLowercase and orgNameUppercase fields.

Superadmins will be required to enter the name of the Org (in upper and lower case) when performing the following actions within Swagger™:

  • Deleting an Org
    • DELETE/user/org/{id})
  • Exporting Org Data
    • POST/user/importExport/{orgid}/data/export)
    • POST/user/importExport/{orgId}/copy/export
  • Importing Org Data
    • PUT/user/org/{id})
    • POST/user/importExport/{orgid}/copy/import
  • Deleting Org Data
    • POST/user/orgManagement/clearOrg/{orgId}
    • POST /data/orgManagement/clearOrg/{orgId}
    • POST /object/orgManagement/clearOrg/{orgId}
    • POST /audit/orgManagement/clearOrg/{orgId}
  • Triggering a Permissions Regen
    • POST /data/globalRoleMembership/regenerateOrgPermissionGroups/{org}
  • Ordering an Index Regen
    • GET /data/search/resyncSearchIndexForOrg/{orgId}
  • Data Warehouse
    • DELETE/user/warehouse/{orgId}

Bug Fixes

  • When importing an Org, the import will fail if a multi-select field is switched to a single select field within the JSON file.
  • The Enabled and Inactive user count on the Admin: Users screen will now reflect the total user count (all users within the system).
  • Select List options are now ordered using the Select List configuration.
  • On the Admin: Edit Role - Object Type - Permission screen, the navigation will reflect the correct Admin Overview section, People, instead of Data Model.
  • When creating a Confidential URLs using a duplicate username, the Login URL will reflect the new Confident URL.
  • Reports with Bar Charts will now display properly (with correct numbers and expected ratios) when exported to PDF.
  • The Role names on Reports will translate according to the system's translation settings when exporting a Report to PDF. 
  • Searching for a user in an advanced relationship will return search results matching the search value entered in the Search field.
  • The Enter key on Numerical Pads will now generate Object Type searches using the global search feature or filters. 
  • After logging into Resolver using an object link within a Resolver email notification, the user will be redirected to the Object. 
  • The ioredis database will no longer generate blank requests when calculating formulas.
  • Date fields (e.g., Due Date field) on Email Notification will now be translated according to the system's translation settings.
  • When Rescoping an Internal Audit Assessment, the system will return the user to the original Assessment.
  • Three-tier Object Type Relationships (OT1>OT2>OT3) will display all Object Type Relationships on the Relationship Table.
  • Square brackets [ ] can be used to create valid formulas within Resolver. If operators supported by mathj.js (Java Script file) that Resolver does not support are used between square brackets, the formula will pass validation, but the formula will not calculate values correctly.
  • Dimension name identifiers are now correctly spaced.
  • Objects will appear on Relationship Tables when created through Workflow Triggers. 
  • Numerical characters can be used when searching for users on the Admin: Users screen.
  • Reports can be sorted by description without resulting in a system outage (data crash).

When sorting numbers with decimals, all leading zeros after the decimal are ignored. The sort function uses the first non-zero number (e.g., 0.1 and 0.001 will be considered the same).

  • The Data Audit Archive Export feature is now functional for Data Audit Archive records created before Resolver version 3.6.
  • Expiry Date, Data Audit Trail, and Object History time format are consistent, using the mmm d,yyyy h:mm (e.g., Feb 1, 2023 8:51 am) formula.
  • Editing Issue Object Type triggers will no longer generate a 500 error.
  • The Performed By field on the Data Management Audit Trial screen will display the Administrator's username instead of Resolver Admin.
  • An AppBase can now be successfully exported to a default-sized feature server.
  • We removed unnecessary long log messages from the Node services.
  • Configuration changes will still be applied when encountering a Lockdown screen when importing the Config JSON file.
  • Consumed Orchestration events will no longer appear in the list of Triggers on the Edit Workflow screen.
  • Exported reports with bar charts will now appear the same in PDF or Word.
  • Papertrail™ will now display Trigger logging errors.
  • Inbound emails with an attachment without a file name or a file name without an extension will be successfully processed.
  • After processing emails, messages, and attachments will appear in the inbound-messages S3 bucket.
  • Zip files created using the Org Data Tool are now compatible with 7-zip on Windows™ platforms.
  • We have added support for Database sharding in local development environments.
  • An Org error will no longer cause the Environment re-initializations process to stop. 
  • Repeatable forms exported to PDF will contain all relevant data.
  • Emails produced by the Apple Mail (2.3731.500.231) email client are now supported.
  • The Total Current values in Local Currency formula on the Property Insurance Valuation Platform App will calculate the formula correctly.
  • The email parser now supports emails using Chinese encoded characters (gb2312 charset).
  • Date & Time fields configured to use a European format will now correctly display the month value.
  • During larger Org Imports, the Imports screen can timeout, and a Lock screen will appear, locking users out of the Org. The Lock screen will disappear once the Org Import is finished, allowing users to log back into the Org.
  • The Workflow conditional formula with a transitionId set can no longer be added to a Dataset.
  • For Assessments, the Assigned to me on date field on the My Tasks section will pull the Assessment Object creation date for users assigned to a global role and will pull today's date (the date they were assigned to the Assessment Object) for user's with inferred permissions.
  • Deleting a connected Object Type form that is used to display an Object Type, that Object Type will now be displayed using a default form instead.

For a complete list of bug fixes for Version 23.2.1, download the Release 23.2.1 Fixes.xlsx file from Box.

23.2 Features

Export User List

Administrators can export a User List by clicking the Export As CSV button on the Users screen, downloading a User List consisting of all members in an Organization.

The User List will exclude users with the following email domains:



Administrators can now export a list of their Users. The User List will include the following attributes (User Name, Email, Status, Last Login, Roles, and User Groups).

User List

Impacted Areas:

Please refer to the Creating a User List article for more information on creating User Lists.

Sorting Activity Views (Improvements)

We have added additional sorting options improving the Sorting Activity feature. Administrators can sort Activity View Lists in ascending or descending order by:

  • Properties
    • Name (alphanumerical sort order)
    • Created On (chronological sort order)
    • Last Modified On (chronological sort order)
  • Fields
    • Object Type Single Line Text (alphanumerical sort order, special characters are ignored)
    • Object Type Date and Time (chronological sort order)
  • Formulas
    • Formula Field Numeric Variables (Boolean variables excluded, formula errors are sorted to the end of the list)

Multiple Objects with the same properties, fields, or formula variable will be sorted by Unique ID in descending order.

Performance  Enhancements:

  • Activity Views will display 100 objects per page.
  • The sort order is applied to all Objects that meet the sorting criteria, but only the first 100,000 objects in an Activity View will be accessible by the user.
  • Object count was removed from Activity Views.
  • The displayViewCount parameter on the GET/data/view/activity/{activityId}/view/{viewId}/page endpoint under View will be removed in the next release (23.3.0). The displayViewCount parameter will still return Fields and Formulas until it is removed.

Additional Information:

  • If a Field or Formula in a sort order configuration is no longer available, the Activity View will be sorted by Unique ID in ascending order.


The new sorting options added to the Sorting Activity Views allow Administrators to sort the activity view by multiple options, giving users access to the most relevant Objects first.

Impacted Area:

An Administrator can change the sorting type from the Edit Activity screen.

View Section

Scheduled (Date-based) Triggers

The Date-based Triggers feature allows an Administrator to set up Triggers based on a date Field or a Formula that produces a date variable.

Please contact your CSM in regards to switching Nightly Triggers to Date-Base Triggers.


Date-based Triggers run on the Field or Formula date associated with the Trigger help decrease the number of Triggers that run nightly, improving system performance.

Impacted Area:

Please refer to the Creating a Date-Based Trigger article for more information on Date-Based Triggers.

Additional Information:

  • Date/Time Fields and Formulas are currently not supported. The system automatically filters out all time-related Fields and Formulas for the Date Field/Formulas dropdown menu.
  • A system Warning will pop up when a user attempts to delete or unlink a Field or Formula that is part of a Date-base Trigger.
  • The Data Audit Trial will list all Date-based Trigger records.
  • The Date-base Triggers procedure will run once a day before the Nightly Triggers procedure.
  • Recover procedures are in place encase an error occurs during the Date-base Triggers procedure.


  • Currently, the Date-base Trigger procedure will process up to 1000 Triggers per Org nightly. Any remaining Triggers that are not processed will be processed as part of the Date-base Trigger procedure the next night.

User Profile Management Updates

User accounts with the following email domains can only be edited/updated by a Super Administrator or an Administrator with a Resolver email domain.



The User Profile Management Update helps prevent security breaches through hijacked email accounts.

Impacted Area:

The error message "Cannot change email to a resolver domain." will appear on the Admin Edit User screen when a user without a Resolver email domain attempts to change a user's email address to one with a Resolver email domain.

User Profile Screen Error

Swagger® Updates

The newest version of Swagger 15 is now integrated into Resolver. This integration will enhance the user experience by:

  • Swagger is now integrated with Resolver creating a clean UI experience.
  • The Swagger update has improved search capabilities.
  • The Example Value field was moved under the Body Input field.

The Search field is case-sensitive. The keyword must be lowercase when searching for endpoints based on their first character (e.g., org). This will be address with the next release.

Content-Type Header Field - Required

The Content-Type Header is now a required field. If accessing Resolver APIs outside of Swagger, you have the following options:

  • Do not send the Content-Type Header.
  • Use application/json for the Content-Type Header value.
  • If you send the Content-Type Header with an incorrect value (e.g., plain/text), you will receive a 400 error.


Accessing Swagger within Resolver no longer required a token eliminating token timeout errors. 

A more robust search function decreases search time.

Impacted Areas:

An Administrator can run Swagger calls from the Swagger Doc screen.


Depending on the data payload, it may take longer for the Admin Swagger Docs screen to load the data from Swagger. A system Warning will pop up at the top of the screen, indicating a slowdown in data retrieval.

Admin Swagger Docs


General Improvements:

  • An Edit Report Template button was added to Reports, allowing Administrators to access the Report Edit screen directly from a Report.
  • The Job Creation process was moved from Web Services to Downstream Services to avoid Web Service timeout issues.
  • The Get Referenced Objects are now queried with the same process as Get Related Object to prevent timeouts, 503, and 504 errors.
  • The Color field on a State will no longer revert to the system's default color if the Category field is changed.
  • To align with system standards, two elements on the Manage Assessments screen were changed
    • The More button will appear solid blue when you hover your cursor over the button.
    • We have removed the + icons next to the options in the More dropdown menu.
  • Creation and Edit form sections, cards, and sidebars will display a blank screen until the data is available to load. This change will prevent any hidden data from quickly appearing before the data is loaded.
  • Timeout requests can be throttled by Unique ID.

Bug Fixes


  • When a User changes the Range As field on the Edit Formula pop-up, they must select the Reformat button to apply the change to all Objects on related Object Types.
  • Formula Labels will be displayed when changing the Range As field on the Edit Formula pop-up from None to Label or Label and Result.
  • When performing a Data Import in the demo.staging environment Formulas will be calculated as expected.
  • A system Warning will appear that will list Formula Names if a User attempts to delete a relationship used in an n-depth variable.
  • Users can add additional variables to Formulas with multiple unnecessary parentheses.


  • A User Audit Trail entry is made when a User is added to an Org as an Administrator using the Swagger endpoint POST/user/users/insert/{orgid}.
  • You can no longer use Swagger® to change Fields to Text Fields.
  • The Invalid Task Token error that occurs when performing the Nightly Triggers process through the Swagger endpoint Get/data/workflow/fire/{period} is fixed. The Task token is now invoked from the API and not AWS. 


  • Pagination is now used for returning search result data when searching Tables on a Report.
  • Report search filters will filter search results using the filter option(s).


  • To increase user security, the User Audit Trial pop-up will display External Org User on the Performed By field for invalid Org users. If a user is added to the Org, the system will display the user's name and email address.
  • We disabled the ElasticSearch retry function and are now using a custom retry logic for bulk requests. The retry function change will help prevent a timeout error from having an undefined status and log the error correctly.
  • When expanding a side panel within a form to full screen, the side panel will close and populate the full screen with the required Object data.
  • On the Development/Automation server, a Green Translate Icon will appear next to translated field labels.
  • The X-Ray default sampling file was moved to a resource file outside SRC. The resource file can be accessed from DIST and SRC folders. This move ensures that the X-Ray default sampling file is in the DIST folder after compilation and the functionality unaffected.
  • A User assigned as the Incident Owner on a Form will appear in the Incident Owner field dropdown search results list.
  • Deleting an Option from a Single Select List and adding a new Option from the Admin Editing Field screen will no longer add the deleted Option back as an Option.
  • You can now create a parent/reference Object from a child Object in the Creation state, regardless of the inferred permissions of the User.
  • Creating an Object through a Relationship table will display all relevant Object data (Fields, Formulas, Relationships, etc.).
  • The Address and Map Location Pin are deleted when deleting the Location field on an Object Type in the environment.
  • Reference Object attachment (file and images) names will appear on the Reference Table.
  • When creating an Object and you experience an error (creation fails), the next Object created will use the next Unique ID in sequence instead of skipping a digit due to the Object Type failed creation.
  • The concurrency of the trigger-object-getter is now dynamic to match the rest of the components in the Trigger processor.
  • Added a new bulk email deregistration endpoint to handle dropped emails during import.
  • The hard recovery Nightly Triggers process will include Triggers in the triggers_to_be_run table for the current date (today).
  • When downloading an Attachment file that has been renamed, the new Attachment Name will be used when the file is downloaded.
  • We fixed the issue where a 403 error would occur for an Org when editing an Object, and the Translation Feature was turned off.
  • We addressed an issue when creating a new Field. The Field Type field on the Create a Field screen was hard coded to Plain Text, not allowing you to switch the Field Type.
  • We have adjusted the dimensions of the Resolver Error screen so that it displays in full screen instead of half screen.
  • The height of buttons on forms that do not have an icon will stay the same size as buttons with icons, creating a consistent visual output.
  • If no color is selected for a Workflow State, the system will default the Workflow State color to the State Category Color.
  • The Object-Getter function has an increased concurrency dynamic, matching the rest of the components in the trigger processor.
  • Related objects will be displayed in a relationship table, even if the workflow state for that object changes.
  • When creating an Object Type, Relationship, Field, or Formula using a duplicate Object, the Data Warehouse will add a suffix to the name [e.g., Field Name (2) (2)].
  • The trigger processor state machine will use a temporary bucket name pulled from the Foundation output.
  • An alarm will occur if the trigger process state machine fails.
  • When updating a Trigger, the orchestration event is not erased.

Customer Requests

  • A manual SQL was used to add the Critical ICT Assets and Critical ICT System as additional nodes in the Assessments Data Definition - Endeavour Foundation.
  • We added Risk and Test data to the Compliance Assessments data definition for a customer - Questrade.

For a complete list of bug fixes for Version 23.2.0, download the Release 23.2.0 Fixes.xlsx file from Box.